Measurement methods
Precipitation data in the included data file is collected
primarily from graduated rain gauges (GRGs) at 21 sites in the
Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico, USA. The GRGs are typically
read twice monthly, but may be read more often depending on
weather conditions. All precipitation observations in the data
file are given by date of measurement in the field and represent
total accumulated precipitation since the last recorded date. At
some sites GRGs were not installed until after NPP measurements
began; in these cases precipitation amounts from the closest
available rain gauge at the Chihuahuan Desert Research Center
(CDRRC), or the USDA Jornada Experimental Range (JER), were used
to gapfill back to the beginning of the year of GRG installation.
The rain gauges used to gapfill were of different types (weighing,
dipstick/standard, tipping bucket, or 'wbrg', 'dsrg', and 'tbrg',
respectively) and may have been measured at different intervals
and with different methods. Date of collection/measurement and the
identity of the rain gauge used is recorded with each
precipitation observation in the data file. In cases of any
missed/unmeasured precipitation, a missing data value is recorded
for precipitation and a comment records details about the event.
For graduated rain gauges (GRGs), volumes are measured from
4" diameter cylindrical graduated rain gauges in conjunction
with the monthly measurement of soil water content made at the 15
NPP sites. Mineral oil is added as necessary to prevent
evaporation. Mineral oil is only used in GRG type of rain gauge.
Aluminum window screening is placed in top of GRG’s to prevent
insects and debris from becoming trapped in mineral oil.
To gapfill the early record at some NPP sites, precipitation
amount is obtained from nearest Standard Can Gage maintained by
either JER or CDRRC. These Standard Can Gages (referred to as
"dipstick rain gauges") do not use anything to prevent
evaporation. CDRRC gauges were usually read after a precipitation
event. JER gauges were read once a week. Detailed information on
these gapfilling gauges is provided in the
"additionalInfo" metadata element.
Measurement locations
The longest-running gauge measurements here are for the NPP study
locations at C-CALI, C-GRAV, C-SAND, G-BASN, G-IBPE, G-SUMM,
and T-WEST sites. Additional GRG measurements have been added in
other locations at varying times, including the following:
P12A : Associated with Pasture 12 Ecotone study.
NFLM & SFLM: Associated with former North Flume (NFLM) &
South Flume (SFLM) study.
UPTR : Upper Trailer site. This was a central location to ongoing
research in the very early years of LTER-I.
BIOD: In proximity to the former Biodiversity site. The GRG was
added after Biodiversity study ended.
The GRGs at C-UPTR, C-CALI, G-IBPE, and G-SUMM were originally
associated with hydrology natural runoff plots. The volumes in
these 4 gauges were measured whenever the hydrology plots were
collected. The hydrology plot study terminated in November 1994.
The GRG gauge at C-UPTR was read weekly for many years before
changing to monthly collection.
Beginning 10/7/2011: KeysPunch Data Entry software program is used
to enter and verify the data through double entry. Additional
validation checks are made during data entry. These fields are
auto-generated based on the site: gauge_loc, gauge_id, gauge_type,
gauge_unit, owner.
Additional site history and methodology notes
TBRG at C-UPTR, C-CALI, G-SUMM, G-IBPE: tipping bucket rain gauge
is linked to Belfort long term event recorder, which continually
records precipitation events. Chart reflects amount,
duration/intensity, and day/time of event.
GRGs are at all NPP sites now. Initially, G-BASN rainfall was used
for P-COLL and T-WEST was used for T-EAST (which are within a few
hundred meters of the other site). Time of collection is monthly
for each site in association with the soil water content
measurements made at the 15 NPP sites, though there may be more
frequent collections for those 4 sites mentioned above that are
associated with hydrology natural run-off plots (C-UPTR, C-CALI,
G-IBPE, and G-SUMM); they are collected whenever a run-off event
occurs. Also, frequency may vary when obtaining data for missing
GRG periods.
03/11/1998 Initial installation of GRG at P-COLL. Used G-BASN GRG
04/03/1998 Initial installation of GRG at C-SAND. Used C-UPTR GRG
04/03/1998 Initial installation of GRG at T-EAST. Used T-WEST GRG
USDA WBRG and/or DSRG volumes from Rabbit Rain Gage may have been
used for M-RABB during certain periods.
Animal & Range Science (College Ranch) DSRG (DSRG=east
mountain south gauge) may have been used for C-GRAV during certain
Animal & Range Science (College Ranch) DSRG (DSRG=vine
mesquite gauge) may have been used for P-SMAL during certain
Methods of recording (field data sheets, instrumental,
GRG value recorded on TBRG recorder chart and data sheets at
hydrology plots. Beginning July 1990, on probe field data sheet.
Monthly collections recorded on field data sheets.
TBRG Long Term Event Recorder - continuous strip charts. Data
transferred to data sheets.
WBRG weighing bucket rain gauge - weekly drum charts
DSRG dip stick rain gauge (standard can gauge) - field data sheets
Alternate rain gauge location and history notes
These notes list which rain gauges were used to gapfill
the precipitation record of each NPP site prior to the
installation of the GRG. At each site an effort was made to
estimate (if not measure) the precipitation record back to as near
to the start of the NPP study (July 1989) as possible.
C-CALI G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at C-CALI LTER-II NPP
site about 30 meters upslope of C-CALI NPP site. Installed
C-GRAV D=Dipstick rain gauge belonging to NMSU College Ranch. Data
obtained from Rob McNeely of NMSU Animal & Range Science Dept.
Alternate contact: Dr. Reldon Beck. Gage I.D. is East Mountain
South. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at C-GRAV LTER-II NPP
site about 10 meters upslope of southwest corner of NPP site.
Installed 01/20/1990.
C-SAND G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at LTER C-UPTR (Upper
Trailer) site about 500 meters southwest of C-SAND NPP site. Data
begins 01/04/1989. GRG installed 04/03/1998 on north side of NPP
G-BASN G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at LTER-II G-BASN site
on fence post by gate 200 meters downslope of G-BASN NPP site.
Installed 01/15/1990.
G-IBPE G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at G-IBPE LTER-II
Hydrology Runoff plots (installed 07/03/1989) about 30 meters
upslope of southwest corner of IBP exclosure in USDA Pasture 9.
Moved to south side of NPP plot 04/27/1998. T=Tipping Bucket Rain
Gage located in LTER-II Hydrology Runoff plot exclosure about 30
meters upslope of southwest corner of IBP exclosure in USDA
Pasture 9. W=USDA-IBP rain gauge #18. USDA weighing bucket rain
gauge located at southeast corner of IBP exlosure in Pasture 9.
G-SUMM G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located from 1) 1989-1995 at
G-SUMM LTER-II Hydrology Runoff plots about 280 meters southwest
of G-SUMM NPP site about 20 meters upslope from powerline road.
Installed 07/03/1989. 2) 1996-present about 10 meters northwest of
G-SUMM NPP site. Moved here December 1996.
M-NORT D=USDA Rabbit Rain Gage (standard can gauge) located about
1.5 miles southwest of M-NORT NPP site along road between USDA
Headquarters and West Well. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on
fence post of Natural Revegetation Exclosure about 100 meters east
of LTER M-NORT NPP site. Installed 01/16/1990.
M-RABB D=USDA Rabbit Rain Gage (standard can gauge) located about
500 meters southwest of M-RABB NPP site along road between USDA
Headquarters and West Well. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on
post just inside of Natural Revegetation Exclosure about 20 meters
southwest of LTER M-RABB NPP site. Installed 01/07/1991. W=USDA
rain gauge #18. USDA weighing bucket rain gauge located at Rabbit
Rain Gauge station along road between USDA HEadquarters and West
M-WELL W=USDA West Well rain gauge. USDA weighing bucket rain
gauge located at West Well 6.4 miles west of USDA Headquarters.
G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on post of M-WELL NPP site
exclosure about 150 meters west of USDA West Well. Installed
P-COLL G-BASN GRG used for P-COLL from 01/15/1990 until GRG was
installed 03/11/1998 at P-COLL. P-COLL GRG is located about 25
meters east of LTER-I Treatment transect in the mesquite fringe of
the College Playa.
P-SMAL D=Dipstick rain gauge (standard can gauge) belonging to
NMSU College Ranch. Data obtained from Rob McNeely of NMSU Animal
& Range Science Dept.Alternate contact: Dr. Reldon Beck. Gage
I.D. is Vine Mesquite Playa. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at
P-SMAL LTER-II NPP site in the southeast corner of the P-SMAL NPP
site exclosure. Installed 01/16/1990.
P-TOBO D=USDA standard can rain gauge at Northeast Exclosure.
G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on gate post of LTER P-TOBO NPP
site. Installed 01/17/1990. W=USDA rain gauge #30. USDA weighing
bucket rain gauge located at USDA Northeast Exlosure.
T-TAYL WW=USDA weighing bucket rain gauge at USDA-REP-2, West
Exclosure, Gage #51, 1.1 mi west of T-TAYL NPP site. EW=USDA
weighing bucket rain gauge at USDA-REP-2, East Exclosure, Gage
#50, 0.35mi west of T-TAYL NPP site. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage
located on gate post of LTER T-TAYL NPP site. Installed
T-WEST SW=USDA weighing bucket rain gauge at USDA-REP-1, South
Exclosure, Gage #53, 0.3 mi north of T-WEST NPP site and about 250
meters NW of T-EAST. NW=USDA weighing bucket rain gauge at
USDA-REP-1, North Exclosure, Gage #52, 1.0 mi north of T-WEST and
about 0.8 mi NW of T-EAST. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on
gate post of LTER T-WEST NPP site. Installed 01/05/1990.
T-EAST See T-WEST. The same gauges are used. Graduated rain gauge
at T-EAST installed 04/03/1998.