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Arthropod Pitfall Trap Collections at NPP Sites on the Jornada Experimental Range, 1996-2001

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-jrn.210008001.70
Title:Arthropod Pitfall Trap Collections at NPP Sites on the Jornada Experimental Range, 1996-2001

Objectives. Desertification is hypothesized to have altered the spatial and temporal availability of resources required by the biota. Results of desertification on the Jornada include changes to shrub dominated communities and major soil changes. We hypothesize that these shifts in vegetation have changed resources temporally for many of the consumers. If grassland systems respond to rainfall without significant lags, but shrub systems do not, then consumer species should reflect these differences. In addition, shifts from grassland to shrubland results in greater structural heterogeneity of the habitats. We have hypothesized that consumer populations, diversity, and densities of some consumers will be higher in grasslands than in shrublands. Diversity and/or densities are hypothesized to be related to the NPP of the sites.  Data for arthropods captured in pitfall traps on LTER III consumer plots at 2 month intervals. Data includes order, family, genus, species, and number. This data collection has been completed.

Short Name:JornadaStudy_008_npp_arthropod_pitfall_trap_1995_2001_data
Publication Date:2012-08-30

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Maurer, Greg (Jornada Long-term Ecological Research Program, 
Creator:Lightfoot, David 

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Data file information for the following Jornada data set: Arthropod Pitfall Traps-III in 5x1 grid at LTER II NPP sites
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Description:Data file information for the following Jornada data set: Arthropod Pitfall Traps-III in 5x1 grid at LTER II NPP sites
Number of Columns:11

Time Period

Table Structure
Object Name:JornadaStudy_008_npp_arthropod_pitfall_trap_1995_2001_data (1).csv
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:40
Number of Foot Lines:0
Record Delimiter:\r\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:period  
Definition:Collection period where mmm=month, yy=yearCollection date where mm=month, dd=day, yy=yearVeg. zoneSite locationPlot IDTrap IDTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Order codeTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Family codeTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Genus codeTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Species codeNumber of individuals collected
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominaldateTimenominalnominalnominalrationominalnominalnominalnominalratio
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionCollection period where mmm=month, yy=year
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Code Definition
Code Definition
Code Definition
DefinitionMesquite dune
Code Definition
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definitiongrassland at lower trailer (BASIN)
Code Definition
Definitioncreosotebush Caliche
Code Definition
Definitiontarbush east of Jornada Road
Code Definition
Definitioncreosotebush gravel
Code Definition
Definitiongrassland at IBP exclosure
Code Definition
Definitionmesquite at rabbit rain gauge
Code Definition
Definitioncreosotebush sand
Code Definition
Definitionmesquite at West Well
Code Definition
Definitiontarbush west of Jornada Road
DefinitionPlot ID
DefinitionTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Order code
DefinitionTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Family code
DefinitionTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Genus code
DefinitionTwo letter or numeric code for taxonomic Species code
Missing Value Code:                      
Accuracy Report:                      
Accuracy Assessment:                      

Data Package Usage Rights

Data Policies

    The Jornada Basin LTER Information Management System (JIMS) provides protocol and services for data collection, verification, organization, archives, and distribution in accordance with recommendations and guidelines developed by the LTER Information Managers Committee ( 
    While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Jornada Basin LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets. 
Quality Assurance Policy:
    Data managers interact with researchers during the entire scientific process--from the initial planning of sampling designs and field data collection to archiving and distribution of data. The goal of data management is to build and maintain an archive of Jornada Basin LTER data files that are fully documented, error free, and organized in useful ways. Our protocol for data collection and processing seeks maximum interaction between researchers and data management personnel to avoid confusion and potential loss of data or problems with integrity of data; e.g., identification of historical site treatments that may impact a proposed study or incomplete data set variable descriptions. Site and Data Manager involvement begins during the Project Design phase with the completion of the Jornada Notification of Research form by the researcher prior to the start of work; this alerts both Site and Data Manager to the new study and potential LTER data sets. Upon initiation of a new study, the researcher completes Project Documentation that provides the second level of "metadata" documentation.

    In the Data Collection phase, the data manager helps researchers design field and laboratory data sheets that facilitate data entry and analysis. Prior to JIMS data entry the investigator completes Data Set Documentation to provide the metadata that fully describe the data set. Both Project and Data set documentation are provided with the data set when it is requested or obtained from our Web site. JIMS data entry programs error-check and verify data as they are entered. Computer files are subjected to further verification by graphing and/or error-checking programs, and/or examination by field investigators. Final quality assurance of the data rests with the investigator who submits data for inclusion in the Data Management System. Direct communication with the Site Manager, or through a collaborating JRN P.I., is used to encourage the timely submission of documentation and of data by researchers.

    Error-checked data files are stored with associated documentation files on the file server. Archived data files are maintained in ASCII format on 30-yr magneto-optical (MO) disks, portable hard drives, CD-R media, and DVD media to guard against loss of data access that can result from changing technology. This may also include proprietary binary format files to facilitate recovery of working versions. Image data are archived on 8mm tape. Routine tape data backups of the file server are done daily, weekly, and monthly. One set of off-site copies are maintained elsewhere on the NMSU campus of routine backup tapes, MO disks, CD disks, and DVD disks with a second set of MO, CD and DVD disks maintained off-campus in case of a catastrophe on campus. The final responsibility for quality assurance (both in data and documentation content) rests with the principal investigator who submits the data for inclusion in the Jornada Basin LTER Information Management System. To facilitate quality assurance, the data manag ement staff will provide copies of data and documentation submitted by a principal investigator to that investigator upon request.

    The final responsibility for quality assurance (both in data and documentation content) rests with the principal investigator who submits the data for inclusion in the Jornada Basin LTER Information Management System. To facilitate quality assurance, the data management staff will provide copies of data and documentation submitted by a principal investigator to that investigator upon request.
Policy on Submission of data:
    Data submission into JIMS is expected from LTER researchers, LTER collaborators, and their graduate students where data and information is derived from publicly funded research in the U.S. LTER Network, totally or partially from LTER funds from NSF, Institutional Cost-Share, or Partner Agency or Institution where a formal memorandum of understanding with LTER has been established. Other Jornada Basin researchers are encouraged to submit their documented data for inclusion within JIMS to provide them with an archived backup, ensure its longevity, and provide online access to encourage synthesis efforts. Minimally, for non-LTER associated researchers, we request that publications be provided of research conducted on the Jornada Basin.

    Initial documentation for a data set must be submitted to the Jornada Basin LTER data manager within 90 days of initiation of data collection. Documentation forms are available at . These consist of Project Abstract and Data Set and Attribute documentation forms, which include objectives of the study, methods, as well as format and content of the data. All data collected during a calendar year should be submitted to the Jornada Basin LTER data manager prior to July first of the following year. First time data submissions must be submitted with updated standard Jornada Basin LTER forms previously submitted.
Data Access Policy:
    Data will be made publicly available no later than 2 years after submission of the data unless an earlier date is specified by the principal investigator. In the event that an extension of the 2 year period is necessary, the principal investigator may petition the Jornada Basin LTER Executive Committee for a longer protected period. Graduate student research data will be available online after degree completion and they have the opportunity to publish their research. 
Policies for re-use, distribution, or the production of derivatives:
    Data re-use, distribution and production of derivative products are governed by the LTER Network data policies ( in the spirit of having the potential to increase communication, collaboration and synthesis within and among disciplines. Appropriate citation, acknowledgement, notification and collaboration are outlined and recommended. No commercial redistribution of data and derived products are allowed.
Data Acknowledgment Policy:
    Please send notification to the Information Manager ( and Responsible Investigator(s) of the data sets you are downloading and your intended use. 
    Individuals and institutions utilizing data from the Jornada Basin LTER database are requested to place the following acknowledgment in any publication in which these data are mentioned:

        Data sets were provided by the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project. Funding for these data was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant DEB-0618210).

    Please send 1 copy of any publication that cites Jornada Basin LTER data to:

         John P. Anderson
         Jornada Experimental Range
         P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3JER
         New Mexico State University
         Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003


By Thesaurus:
Research NetworksLTAR, LTER
LTER Core AreasPopulations
Jornada Data CategoryAnimal
Jornada Dataset Keywordsarthropods, pitfall traps, populations, consumers
Dataset Statuscompleted

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

lab data sheets


Arthropod pitfalls were established in January of 1995 at the start of LTER III; this design is significantly different from the pitfalls of LTER II, when lizards and arthropods were collected in the same traps. The new arthropod pitfalls consist of a small tin can (buried flush with the soil surface) in which a plastic cup (10 oz.) fits snugly. The cup is filled (about 3/4 full) with propylene glycol (the "non-toxic" antifreeze, Sierra brand) which captures and preserves any arthropods that stumble in. A ceramic tile shades the trap, supported by 4 nails sticking about 1" above the ground. To minimize rodent damage to the pitfalls, chicken wire fences with lids were installed around each trap. Unfortunately, rodents or lizards smaller than the holes in the chicken wire continued to cause significant damage to the traps after the exclosures were added, so in June 1996, hardware cloth collars were also added to the pitfalls. These collars are squares about 10" on a side with a hole cut in the center for the can & cup combination. Additional holes were cut for any grass clumps surrounding the pitfalls to minimize disturbance to the vegetation. They are buried under a thin layer of soil. Because of concern about the numbers of vertebrates (small rodents and lizards) being caught in the pitfalls, in February 1996, 1/4" hardware cloth ladders (5 " long x 3/4 " wide) were added to the traps. It is hoped that rodents and lizards will be able to escape, while arthropods won't (due to the strength of the surface tension of propylene glycol). The traps are continuously open, and the arthropods in them collected every 2 months. If time permits, the month in between collections, the traps should be checked once, to top off the propylene glycol, and repair any wind/rain/rodent/coyote/vandal damage. During windy seasons, the traps at M-RABB and M-NORT may need to be collected monthly because of large volumes of sand collecting in the cups. Collect these sites monthly if cups become close to 1/2 full of sand in one month's time. Data may be lost if the cups are allowed to fill completely with sand. There are five arthropod pitfalls at each of the NPP study sites, excluding the playas. The five traps are in a line, 15m from each other, marked with orange pin flags. The following list tells where the line of traps for each site is, relative to the NPP grid: C-GRAV=NW corner, C- SAND=south side, C-CALI=SW corner, G-SUMM=NE corner, G- BASN=east side, G-IBPE=NW corner, M-WELL=east side, M- RABB=west side, M-NORT=south side, T-TAYL=east side, T- EAST=east side, T-WEST=south side. In addition, from January 1995 to March 1997, at G-IBPE and C-SAND, there were 12 extra pitfalls, used in a cross-site study for comparison to data from the Sevilleta and Bandelier. These extra pitfalls were in 4 sets of 3, distributed on all sides of the NPP grid (see maps). Each trap was numbered for identification, and these numbers were written on the underside of the tile over each trap. Beginning 08/19/1998 data is being collected of the condition of each pitfall trap, whether a sample was collected, and the number of vials collected per trap. CONDITION CODES USED: good GD low fluid, but okay LO surface solid(bugs/soil/litter) SS cup was washed over by water WO trap filled with water or diluted FW dead animal in trap DA litter in/extending out of trap LL rim elevated >1cm: 30% 30 rim elevated >1cm: 60% 60 cover resting on trap rim CR part/all of cover on soil CS down cover blocking access(CS)n% n% trap disturbed by animals TD trap exposed to the sky EX trap not found NF rim elevated by soil erosion ER other(state in comments) OT slime factor SF grasshopperage 50% G50 grasshopperage 30% G30 COLLECTION CODES: sample taken ST Maintenance Equipment trowel propylene glycol (Sierra brand antifreeze) spare tiles, nails, cups, cans and ladders Collection Equipment maintenance equipment (above) 75% alcohol (3 liters + squirt bottle) collection vials with labels (see sample labels at end of Procedures) tweezers, chopstick, fork strainers (5) funnel Ziploc bags (pint size or smaller) Maintenance Procedure 1. Lift tile off each trap and check that soil is flush with cup edge. If rodents, wind, water, etc. have pulled soil away, replace it. Gravel and rocks can be used to discourage digging and "pave" the area around the cup. (This "paving" is what we tried before installing the hardware cloth collars; hopefully, we won't have to deal with much more of this sort of damage.) 2. Top off the propylene glycol (if necessary) so cup is about 3/4 full. 3. Keep a record of all traps requiring attention. Collection Procedure 1. Remove cup from trap, and dump into strainer placed over spare tin can & cup combination. Thoroughly rinse the pitfall cup with alcohol from squirt bottle; use fork and forceps as necessary to clean out cup. 2. Return strained propylene glycol to cup, top off as necessary, and replace in trap. Do trap maintenance as needed (record all damage to traps). 3. Use funnel to transfer sample to collection vial.*** Knock strainer firmly against funnel to get tiny --> microscopic things off strainer into funnel. Chopstick works well to push arthropods through neck of funnel with small to medium sized collections. If there's more than will fit into one collection vial, use forceps to pack large insects into vials first, then squeeze the rest in around them. (Make sure to add a label to any extra vials used.) Rinse funnel with alcohol into vial, and top off vial with alcohol as necessary. *** The collection kit set up by D. Lightfoot has enough strainers to go into a site (except C-SAND and G-IBPE), collect all 5 traps, and come out and do the transferring to vials back at the truck. Make sure to keep the strainers in order so you know which trap they came from, and use the bungie cords to hold them in place while carrying the kit. 4. The strainers should be knocked soundly against something solid (e.g. a truck tire) to get any remaining mites etc. off them before using them at the next site. The funnel, forceps, chopstick, and fork should be rinsed will with alcohol before use at a different site. Special Procedure for Sandy Traps at M-RABB and M-NORT: Save all sand that accumulates in cups. If volume of sand (not arthropods) would require more than 1 vial, use a ziploc to save the sand. First decant off any free- floating arthropods in propylene glycol (and place in vial as above), then transfer the sand into a ziploc (with a label). Sand will have absorbed plenty of propylene glycol, so no alcohol or propylene glycol needs to be added to the sand for preservation. Sample Labels for Collection Vials C-SAND A 1 C-SAND A 2 C-SAND A 3 C-SAND A 4 C-SAND A 5 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 C-SAND B 1 C-SAND B 2 C-SAND B 3 C-SAND C 1 C-SAND C 2 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 C-SAND C 3 C-SAND D 1 C-SAND D 2 C-SAND D 3 C-SAND E 1 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 C-SAND E 2 C-SAND E 3 C-GRAV 1 C-GRAV 2 C-GRAV 2 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 C-GRAV 3 C-GRAV 4 C-GRAV 5 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 16FEB1996- 18APR1996 18APR1996 18APR1996 Laser jet printer ink is not alcohol soluble and works well for these labels. If additional labels are needed in the field, write (in pencil--many other inks are alcohol soluble) the pitfall number (include the site!) and collection date onto a small square of the heavy bond paper kept in the drawer of the collection kit. You only need enough information on the extra labels to match them up with the complete labels when the samples are processed.

Quality Control
Quality Control Step 1: 

SAS program will be used to analyze data

People and Organizations

Organization:Jornada Basin LTER
Web Address:
Individual: David Lightfoot
Individual: Greg Maurer
Organization:Jornada Long-term Ecological Research Program,

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Sampling Site: 
Description:Our study site is located in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, approximately 25 km northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA (+32.6 N, -106.7 W, elevation 1315 m). Annual precipitation is 24 cm and maximum temperatures average 13 C in January and 36 C in June. Our study site includes the 78,000 ha Jornada Experimental Range operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (, and the 22,000 ha Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC, operated by New Mexico State University (
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): -106.740997314453Latitude (degree): 32.617000579834
Altitude (meter):1315

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to Data Table: data_JornadaStudy_008_npp_arthropod_pitfall_trap_1995_2000

Time Period




Typically, every 2 months. However, during windy seasons, the traps at M-RABB and M-NORT were collected monthly because of large volumes of sand collecting in the cups. This study is complete.


Additional Info

Additional Information:

Jornada LTER III arthropod pitfalls are located at each of the NPP study sites, excluding the 3 playas. (T-WEST, T-EAST, T-TAYL, M-NORT, M-RABB, M-WELL, G-IBPE, G-BASN, G-SUMM, C-SAND, C-CALI, C-GRAV) The following list gives the location for the line of traps for each site relative to the NPP grid: C-GRAV NW corner C-SAND south side C-CALI SW corner G-SUMM NE corner G-BASN east side G-IBPE NW corner M-WELL east side M-RABB west wide M-NORT south side T-TAYL east side T-EAST east side T-WEST south side In addition, there were 12 additional pitfalls at G-IBPE and C-SAND which were used in a cross-site study for comparison to data from the Sevilleta dn Bandelier. These extra pitfalls were in 4 sets of 3, distributed on all sides of the NPP grid (see maps). Each trap was numbered for identification, and these numbers are written on the underside of the tile over each trap. The 12 additional cross-site study pitfall traps were terminated in March 1997.

Other Metadata

Additional Metadata

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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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