Fifteen sites (3 in each of 5 ecosystem types) were selected for
monitoring of NPP. Sites, abbreviations, and location summarized here
and on LTER site map; directions are from stone pillars/gate marking
entrance to Jornada Experimental Range, 6.6 mi north of US Hwy 70,
east of Las Cruces, on North Jornada Road:
Creosote - Caliche C-CALI From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive 3.4 mi to College Ranch HQ. Turn left, drive
south 1.3 mi (going through gate and crossing LTER transects); turn
right (this is 2nd right) and proceed 0.3 mi. Turn left on small
track; site is on right (uphill) of road, 70 m from turn.
Creosote - Gravel C-GRAV From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive 3.4 mi to College Ranch HQ. Turn left, drive
south 3.4 mi (going through gate and crossing LTER transects, passing
Upper Trailer). Site is on left (E) of road. OR - from stone pillars,
turn left and proceed 2.6 mi; turn right at gate and go 0.6 mi along
power line road, then 0.4 mi along right fork. Site is on right (E) of
Creosote - Sand C-SAND From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive 3.4 mi to College Ranch HQ. Turn left, drive
south 1.6 mi (going through gate and crossing LTER transects). Site is
on left (E) of road.
Grassland - Basin G-BASN From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive about 1 mi; park in pull-off on left adjacent
to fence. Enter fence through gate; site is uphill about 50 m.
Grassland - IBP G-IBPE From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Take 2nd left (i.e., AFTER the well) and drive 8 mi (this is SW
boundary of Exp. Range). IBP exclosure is on left of road 0.2 mi after
it turns north away from boundary. OR - from stone pillars, go 10.2 mi
north to JER HQ; past shop area, turn left and go 6.4 mi to West Well.
Turn left (S) and go 1.4 mi to exclosure.
Grassland - Summerford G-SUMM From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to
South Well. Turn left, drive 3.4 mi to College Ranch HQ. Turn left,
drive south 1. mi (going through gate and crossing LTER transects).
Turn right (this is 1st right), drive 0.5 mi to power line road, turn
left. Site is 0.3 mi from turn, uphill from power line at base of
Mesquite - North M-NORT From stone pillars, go 10.2 mi north to JER
HQ; past shop area, turn left and go 2.4 mi to junction with pipe line
road, turn right. Proceed 0.6 mi N. Park; site is located about 400 m
to west inside fenced exclosure.
Mesquite - Rabbit M-RABB From stone pillars, go 10.2 mi north to JER
HQ; past shop area, turn left and go 3.4 mi to Rabbit Rain Gauge
parking area. Site is to north (left) of road, about 75 m, inside
fenced exclosure.
Mesquite - West M-WELL From stone pillars, go 10.2 mi north to JER HQ;
past shop area, turn left and go 6.4 mi to West Well. Stay on road
straight past well; site is about 150 m west of well, on right of
road. OR - from IBP grassland exclosure, drive 1.4 mi north, turn left
at West Well, site is about 150 m from well.
Playa - College P-COLL From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive about 2.5 mi to Lower Trailer (on left); park
there and continue on foot along road to stiles over fence on right.
Concrete block paths lead to playa. NPP grid is in western portion of
fenced area of playa, just east of College Ranch HQ and pasture.
Playa - Small P-SMAL From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north to South
Well. Turn left, drive about 3.4 mi to College Ranch HQ. Proceed
through gate and HQ area; road jogs north and then heads west again.
Proceed 3.8 mi from HQ; take small road on left, downslope 0.4 mi
(through gate) to playa.
Playa - Tobosa Tank P-TOBO From stone pillars, drive 10.2 mi north to
JER HQ. Jog to right past shop, continue north 3.1 mi. Site is to
right of road in fenced portion of large depression.
Tarbush - East T-EAST From stone pillars, drive 2.6 mi north. Site is
on right of road (E), in fenced area.
Tarbush - Taylor T-TAYL From stone pillars, go 4.1 mi north. Turn
right just before South Well. Take jog to left (N) across cattle
guard, proceed east 2.3 mi. Site is on right (S) of road about 20 m in
fenced area.
Tarbush - West T-WEST From stone pillars, go 2.4 mi north. Site is on
left (W) of road, in fenced area.
Each site is a grid of 49 quadrats, each 1 m x 1 m, located 10 m from
one another in a 7 x 7 square (quadrats make up a 60 m x 60 m square
with 10 m buffer zones around boundary). Exception is P-COLL, where
limited space forced us to use a 3 x 16 arrangement (48 quadrats).