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List of annual ground-based photographs taken at 15 net primary production (NPP) study sites at Jornada Basin LTER, 1996-ongoing

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-jrn.210011005.2
Title:List of annual ground-based photographs taken at 15 net primary production (NPP) study sites at Jornada Basin LTER, 1996-ongoing
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

This data package contains a list of photographs taken at Net Primary Production (NPP) study sites at the Jornada Basin LTER. Beginning in 1996, annual photos were taken from each of the 4 corners of each of the 15 70-meter x 70-meter NPP sites between August and November, depending on other research activity constraints. The plots were established in early 1989. From 1996-2002 photos were taken using 35mm color slide film. Beginning in 2003, digital photos were taken in JPG format. Occasionally, supplemental photos may be taken at the same time that provide additional habitat information at the landscape, patch, or plant species level. No photographs were taken in 2013. This is an ongoing dataset that is updated once per year.

Publication Date:2019-08-28

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Anderson, John (New Mexico State University) 
Contact:Manager, Data (Jornada Basin LTER) [  email ]
Creator:Anderson, John (New Mexico State University)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
CSV list of photograph file names
CSV list of photograph file names
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Name:CSV list of photograph file names
Description:CSV list of photograph file names
Number of Records:1389
Number of Columns:5

Table Structure
Object Name:JRN_011005_NPP_site_photo_list.csv
Size:95247 bytes
Authentication:624fc402573fead2f22a26faf7f59449 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:recordno  
Definition:Record numberName of the digital file for the image (Example: C-CALI_NEtoSW-L_20101008_IMG_6160.jpg) in the format 1-2222_333333-4_55556677_88888888.jpg - where 1=zone; 2=site; 3=photo direction (NEtoSW:northeast to southwest); 4=D(diagonal),L(left),R(right); 5-6-7=year-month-day photo taken; 8=image number assigned by camera.Size of the image file in bytesDate photo takenTime photo taken (24 hour time)
Storage Type:float  
Measurement Type:rationominalratiodateTimedateTime
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionName of the digital file for the image (Example: C-CALI_NEtoSW-L_20101008_IMG_6160.jpg) in the format 1-2222_333333-4_55556677_88888888.jpg - where 1=zone; 2=site; 3=photo direction (NEtoSW:northeast to southwest); 4=D(diagonal),L(left),R(right); 5-6-7=year-month-day photo taken; 8=image number assigned by camera.
Missing Value Code:          
Accuracy Report:          
Accuracy Assessment:          

Data Package Usage Rights

This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.


By Thesaurus:
LTER Controlled Vocabularynet primary production, aboveground production, vegetation, deserts, imagery, photo point imagery
JRN Dataset KeywordsVegetation Dynamics
Jornada Study Namesstudy 011, NPP
LTER Core AreaPrimary Production, Populations

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

General study design

There are 15 net primary production (NPP) monitoring sites located in 5 vegetation communities that represent the major vegetation types of the Jornada Basin. These vegetation zones and their associated NPP sites (3 per zone) are: 1) creosotebush scrub (CALI, GRAV, SAND), 2) tarbush flats (EAST, TAYL, WEST), 3) grassland (BASN, IBPE, SUMM), 4) mesquite dunes (NORT, RABB, WELL), and 5) playa (COLL, SMAL, TOBO). Grids of permanent 1 square meter replicate quadrats have been established at each site for long-term monitoring of net primary production. Grids consist of 49 quadrats arranged in a square 7 x 7 pattern, with quadrats 10 m apart. (Exception: P-COLL, the College Ranch playa, has 48 quadrats arranged in a 3 x 16 pattern). NPP observations began in April 1989. This photograph collection begins in 1996. All photos are achived on a server at NMSU campus and are available upon request

Ground-based photography methods

Summary - Photos were taken in 35mm slide film format from 1996-2007, and in 35mm digital format from 2003-present. Digital filenames are fully descriptive of the study, plot, direction of photo, and date.

From 1996-2002 photos were taken using 35mm color slide film, initially Kodachrome 200 and later Ecktachrome Elite 100 when it became difficult to get the Kodachrome film developed because of the special processing required. Photos taken were with a wide angle 35mm lens.

Beginning in 2002, digital photos were taken using zoom equivalent of 35mm lens. With the exception of a few years, one photo is taken from each corner of each plot looking diagonally across the plot.

In 2007, 2008, and 2010, three photos were taken from each plot corner; 1 photo looking down each of the 2 plot boundary lines and 1 photo looking diagonally across the plot. The photo filename provides complete information about the photo. For those with multiple photos from a plot corner, a "-L" in the filename indicates it is of the Left boundary relative to the photographer facing inward at the plot corner. A "-R" indicates it is of the Right boundary. A "-D" indicates it is taken looking diagonally across the plot toward the opposite corner.

QA/QC: None

Photo filename conventions

Example - C-CALI_NEtoSW-L_20101008_IMG_6160.jpg

General structure - 1-2222_333333-4_55556677_88888888.jpg


1=zone: identifies the dominant vegetation zone (5 total, 2 are grassland, 3 are shrublands) [C=creosotebush; G=black grama grassland; M=mesquite dune; P=playa grassland;T=tarbush]

2=site: The last 4 letters are the site designation code [BASN CALI COLL EAST GRAV IBPE NORT RABB SAND SMAL SUMM TAYL TOBO WELL WEST]

3= general direction of view

4= direction of photo relative to plot from photographer’s perspective

5-6-7 = month-day-year of phone

8 = time photo was taken (hours:minutes)

Occasionally, supplemental photos may be taken at the same time to provide additional habitat information at the landscape, patch, or plant species level. These filenames follow the same general format as above but in place of photo direction, there is descriptive information, such as a 4-letter species code with a floristic code.

People and Organizations

Individual: John Anderson
Organization:New Mexico State University
Individual: John Anderson
Organization:New Mexico State University
Individual: Data Manager
Organization:Jornada Basin LTER
Email Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:NPP is measured at 15 sites, spanning 5 vegetation community types in the Jornada Basin. This bounding box includes all 15 sites. More precise geographic coordinates for this study may be requested from the JRN LTER Data Manager.
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  32.669Southern:  32.488
Western:  -106.865Eastern:  -106.713


Parent Project Information:

Title:Jornada Basin LTER
Individual: John Anderson
Organization:New Mexico State University
Role:Principal Investigator
Funding: NSF: DEB-1832194


Description:This study is ongoing, with new photos taken once per year
Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

UNM logo UW-M logo