Definition: | Date of data measurement | LTER-I transects (I) | Study site, Transect (TRAN) or LTER Weather station (LTWS) | Treatment codes : C, T, CL, TL, STD, WET, DRY | Station number that corresponds to treatment | Tube ID number that corresponds to treatment and station number | LTER-I week number (Week 18 begins 04/30/1982) | soil water content at 30cm depth (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) | soil water content at 60cm depth (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) | soil water content at 90cm depth (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) | soil water content at 110cm depth (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) | soil water content at 130cm depth (cm3 water/ cm3 soil) | Last 4 digits of hydroprobe serial number |
Measurement Values Domain: | Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |
| Definition | LTER-I transects (I) |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | TRAN | Definition | LTER-I Control and Treatment transects | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | LTWS | Definition | Jornada LTER Weather Station site | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | STD | Definition | Standard reading at soil surface with short plastic block inserted in end of neutron probe. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | C | Definition | Control Transect | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | CL | Definition | Control Transect mini-lysimeter | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | TL | Definition | Treatment Transect mini-lysimeter (Nitrogen fertilizer) | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | T | Definition | Treatment Transect (Nitrogen fertilizer) | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | DRY | Definition | Dry standard reading at 60 cm soil depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | WET | Definition | Wet Standard reading at 60 cm depth in water barrel | Source | |
| Definition | Station number that corresponds to treatment |
| Definition | Tube ID number that corresponds to treatment and station number |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | natural | Min | 18 | Max | 1948 |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.62 |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.69 |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.71 |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.71 |
| Unit | cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 9 |
| Definition | Last 4 digits of hydroprobe serial number |