History and experimental design
Starting in 1982, a 135 ha portion of a 1500 ha, internally
drained, moderately-to-highly grazed watershed was exclosed from
grazing by domestic livestock. Within this exclosure, three
permanent, parallel transects (2.7 km in length) were established
by the Jornada Basin LTER, extending from the middle of the
College Playa up into the foot of Mt. Summerford at the Chihuahuan
Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC) in the Jornada Basin. The
study site has a history of moderate to heavy livestock grazing
for 100 years before 1982. The Control transect (C) is located on
the west, the Treatment transect (T) is on the east side of the
Control transect, and the Alternate Control (X) is to the east of
the Treatment transect. The three transects pass through several
soil and vegetation zones as they ascend from playa to mountain.
Each transect is 30 meters wide with a 45-meter buffer zone
between each transect. The Treatment transect was treated annually
with NH4NO3 in a concentration equal to 10g N/m2 until 1987. On 17
July 1986 the Control Transect was aerially fertilized by mistake
with granular NH4NO3 instead of the Treatment Transect. As a
result of this mistake, the Alternate Control Transect was
established prior to the fall measurements of 1986 and the
Treatment Transect was subsequently fertilized by hand with a team
of 12 persons using mechanical spreaders.
To measure the effects of nitrogen fertilizer on plant
communities, plant intercept lines were established perpendicular
to the permanent, 2.7 km transects. There are 91 station markers
arranged at 30 meter intervals along each permanent transect, and
each has a plant intercept line that extends 15 meters on either
side of the transect. The plant intercept lines are thus
perpendicular to the direction of major drainage flow. The ends of
each 30m plant intercept line are marked by short rebars sticking
up about 6 inches aboveground, and each is divided into six 5
meter long segments.
Quadrat biomass harvest measurements
Biomass of annual and perennial forbs and grasses was obtained
from a one meter quad selected at random just downslope from each
of the 6 5-meter segments of the 30 meter plant line intercepts
located perpendicular to the transect station marker. For these
biomass measurements, data was recorded by identifying Station
number (station i.d. tag is riveted onto each angle iron station
marker) and Segment number corresponding to those of the 30 meter
plant line intercept running perpendicular to the main transect
and station marker. The 5-meter segments are numbered 1 through 6
beginning at the west end of the line (right end if facing
upslope). Biomass quads were located just downslope of the line
intercept segments. One 1-meter section of the 5-meter segment was
selected randomly for the 1-meter quadrat. Annual and perennial
forbs and grasses were selected for biomass removals.
Data consists of the date, transect, station number, quad number,
JRN and USDA Plants species codes, species binomial, habit, form,
and dry weight of the biomass collected.
Additional files
An additional metadata file - tranbiom.dsd.txt - from the earlier
Jornada information management system is included and may contain
useful metadata.