| Observation Number | sample ID | can number | soil can weight | Wet weight | Dry weight | Water Percent | correction factor | weight of sample | NO3/NO2-N concentration | NH4-N concentration | NO3+NO2-N-dry | NH4-N-dry |
Column Name: | obs
| samp
| can_num
| weight_can
| weight_wet
| weight_dry
| h2o_percent
| cor_fac
| weight_sample
| no3_no2_n_solution
| nh4_n_solution
| no3_no2_n_dry
| nh4_n_dry
Definition: | Observation Number | Sample ID [UG = Upper Grassland, W = west side of transect midline,CB = Creosotebush, E = east side of transect midline, MB = Mixed Basin, C## = control transect station #,T## = treatment transect, station #] | soil can number | can weight | wet weight (soil + can) | dry weight (soil + can) | moisture content | Correction Factor | sample weight | NO3+NO2-N (nitrogen in nitrate and nitrite per liter of extract solution) | NH4-N (nitrogen in ammonium per liter of extract solution) | NO3+NO2-N (nitrogen in nitrate and nitrite per kg oven dry soil) | NH4-N (nitrogen in ammonium per kg oven dry soil) |
Storage Type: | | string
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Measurement Type: | ratio | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real | Min | 1 | Max | 60 |
| Definition | Sample ID [UG = Upper Grassland, W = west side of transect midline,CB = Creosotebush, E = east side of transect midline, MB = Mixed Basin, C## = control transect station #,T## = treatment transect, station #] |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real | Min | 3 | Max | 141 |
| Unit | g | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | g | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | g | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | % | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 0.001 | Type | real |
| Unit | g | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg/l | Precision | 0.001 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg/l | Precision | 0.001 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg/kg | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg/kg | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
Missing Value Code: | | | | Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
| Code | #N/A | Expl | Missing/questionable value |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |