Definition: | month/day/year | plot number (values from 1-100; there are 48 plots) | treatment | Transect number, west to east | Quadrat number (usually recorded as 15-1, north to south) | plant species i.d. See LTER plant species list for codes. | maximum diameter, in cm | maximum diameter perpendicular to first diameter, in cm | vertical height, in cm | condition (live or dead) | number of similar size occurrences | Vtm##syy.ini where
VT=vegetation transect
m=(B)ook or (T)ape media
##=book or tape number
s=season (F=fall; S=spring)
yy=year (if 95-99, add 1900)
(if 00-94, add 2000)
ini=observer initials | error code-0 or 1 | original record sequence number |
Measurement Values Domain: | Format | mm/dd/yyyy | Precision | |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | C | Definition | control | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | S | Definition | shrub removal | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PG | Definition | perennial grass removal | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | SSh | Definition | subshrub removal | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Succ | Definition | succulent removal | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Simp | Definition | simplified | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | rL | Definition | reduced minus Larrea | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | rP | Definition | reduced minus Posopis | Source | |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real | Min | 1 | Max | 15 |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | * | Definition | See Jornada LTER Plant Species List @ | Source | |
| Unit | cm1 | Precision | 1 | Type | real |
| | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | L | Definition | live | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | D | Definition | dead | Source | |
| Unit | N/A | Precision | 1 | Type | real |
| Definition | Vtm##syy.ini where
VT=vegetation transect
m=(B)ook or (T)ape media
##=book or tape number
s=season (F=fall; S=spring)
yy=year (if 95-99, add 1900)
(if 00-94, add 2000)
ini=observer initials |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | none | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | see history log entry | Source | |
| Definition | original record sequence number |