Connectivity Modifier (Conmod) Pilot methods
This data package consists of a collection of archive files (.zip
format) each containing photographs for one year of the study, and a
data table describing individual photo files by name, size, and
date/time taken. Additional files include a history file recording
observations impacting the measurements in the study and a schematic
of how the study plots and microplots were arranged at each site.
Both of these documents are listed in the "Additional
documents" section below)
Basic Study Set Up and Location
There are 3 sites for the Conmod Pilot study: Gravelly Ridges,
Aeolian, and Dona Ana (referred to as G, A, and D, respectively).
Within each site, there are 8 plots. The plots are 8 x 8 meters and
have an 8 x 8 meter buffer zone on both sides of the plot (upwind
and downwind). At each site, 4 of the 8 plots are treatment plots
where connectivity modules (conmods) have been installed to decrease
the gap size between perennial vegetation. The other 4 plots are
untreated controls. Buffer zones do not have conmods installed and
no photos are taken there.
In 2008, 10 locations were selected at random within each study plot
to become the permanent set of microplots used for the repeat annual
photos. In treatment plots, microplots have conmods that are 50cm
diameter x 20cm tall. Beginning in 2008, photographs were taken
using a digital camera once to twice per year in each microplot to
document plant litter, plant germination and growth, and soil
deposition/removal by wind and water transport. Five photos were
taken of each microplot: One overhead (from directly over the
microplot) and 4 lateral views at ground level from each cardinal
Photo file naming
Digital photo filenames are fully descriptive of the site, plot,
microplot, photo view, and date taken.
Example: A1-1E_20101109_IMG_1006368.jpg
General structure: 12-34_55556677_88888888888.jpg
1 = site (A=Aeolian: D=Dona Ana; G=Gravelly Ridges)
2 = study plot (1-8)
3 = microplot (1-10)
4 = photo view (O=overview; E=looking east; N=looking north;
S=looking south; W=looking west)
5-6-7 = year month day of photo
8 = original image number assigned by camera
Treatment plots by site
Aeolian site: 1,3,6,7 (Control plots are 2,4,5,8)
Dona Ana site: 1,3,6,8 (Control plots are 2,4,5,7)
Gravelly Ridges site: 2,4,6,8 (Control plots are 1,3,5,7)
Additional documents
Mapped locations of each microplot (called "Photo coops"),
and other locations and infrastructure, within the ConMod Pilot
plots are found in "ConnectivityMicroplotMaps_A-D-G.pdf"
Historical and contextual notes about data collection (and the
"comments" column) are found in the file
Herrick, J. E., J. W. Van Zee, K. M. Havstad, L. M. Burkett, and W.
G. Whitford. "Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and
savanna ecosystems, Volume I." US Department of
Agriculture-Agriculture Research Service, Jornada Experimental
Range, Las Cruces, New Mexico (2005).