History and instrumentation
This data package contains long-term hydrologic event data
collected in the Tromble experimental watershed in the Jornada
Basin of southern New Mexico, USA. This is a shrub-domindated
catchment and historic vegetation maps indicate that this
catchment was dominated by upland grasses in 1858, but by 1919ā20,
these upland grasses had been replaced by creosotebush, tarbush,
mesquite and mariola which still dominate. Grazing has not been
excluded from this catchment, but low animal densities during the
period investigated are likely to have had negligible effects. The
dataset contains data from 2 multi-year periods of streamflow
observations at this location: 1977-1985 and 2003-2011.
In 1977 John M. Tromble instrumented a 4.7 ha shrub-dominated
catchment on the eastern bajada of the Jornada Experimental Range,
New Mexico, USA. The catchment outlet was instrumented with a 2.8
m3 sā1 Santa Rita supercritical flume and flow depth in the flume
was recorded using a paper chart recorder. Runoff data were
collected from January 1977 until December 1985 at the catchment
outlet. For this time period, rainfall data used in the subsequent
analysis were collected at the Watershed rain gauge which was
located 260 m from the catchment outlet. In 2003 the site was
reactivated, and data collection was converted to a digital
format. The paper chart was replaced with a Druck pressure
transducer in the stilling well. A new rain gauge was installed at
the catchment outlet and rainfall data from this gauge are
included in the dataset for the period commencing 2003.
Four data files are available here, including event precipitation
totals and sub-hourly runoff details for hydrologic events during
the first and second observation periods. Variables included in
the files for the first period (1977-1985) include event
precipitation, stage heights at the flume, and calculated
discharge rates. Variables included for the second period
(2003-2011) include event precipitation, stage heights, calculated
discharge rates, depth transducer millivolts, and rainfall
intensity calculations.
Full details on methods and associated analyses are available in
the publication by Turnbull et al. (2013).
Related data packages
Runoff measurements since 2011 have been collected by the Vivoni
group and are being prepared for publication at EDI.
Turnbull, L., A. J. Parsons, J. Wainwright, and J. P. Anderson.
"Runoff responses to long-term rainfall variability in a
shrub-dominated catchment." Journal of arid environments 91
(2013): 88-94.