General study design
The Tromble Watershed is a small experimental watershed located in
the East Bajada geomorphic unit of the Jornada Basin in southern
New Mexico, USA. We have instrumented this watershed, which
consists of a mixed Chihuahuan Desert shrubland, and have on-going
measurements and modeling studies of hydrological, meteorological
and phenological processes. The instrument network consists of 20
soil moisture profiles around an eddy covariance tower and 15 soil
moisture profiles arranged along hillslope transects. A network of
rain gauges and channel runoff flumes is also deployed.
This data package contains standard meteorology data and ancillary
variables collected at the Tromble Watershed tower (same location
as eddy flux measurements). The Tromble Watershed eddy covariance
tower is listed as an AmeriFlux site (US-Jrw; and flux data from the location is
archived in AmeriFlux standard formats at the link below (see
"AmeriFlux data location"). Some of the variables in
this data package may also be present in the AmeriFlux files.
AmeriFlux data location
Instruments and measurement methods
Measurements in this file were all taken from the Tromble eddy
covariance tower and averaged over 30-minute intervals. Volumetric
water content measurements were performed using CS-616 soil water
content reflectometers from Campbell Scientific that were
installed near the EC tower at 5, 15, 30, and 50 cm depths. The
soil moisture measurements were verified with gravimetric samples.
Air temperature and atmospheric humidity were measured at 3.4 m
height using a HMP45C sensor from Campbell Scientific. Different
variables representing humidity (Relative Humidity and vapor
pressure deficit) are provided for convenience. Incoming and
outgoing shortwave radiation were measured with Apogee Instruments
silicon-cell pyranometers that were installed in 2015 and mounted
at 7 m height. Ground heat flux was measured using two ground heat
flux plates, HPF01-SC from Hukseflux, installed at 5 cm depth. One
plate was installed under bare soil and the second was installed
under a vegetated soil. Thermocouples installed at 2 and 4 cm were
used to estimate the surface soil heat storage. Total incoming
solar radiation was measured using a pyranometer mounted at 5 m
height (CMP3-L, Campbell Scientific). Net shortwave and net
longwave radiation were measured using a radiometer mounted at 5 m
height (CNR2-L, Kipp & Zonen). Soil surface temperature was
measured with a SI-111 infrared radiometer made by Apogee
instruments. Data was recorded at 30-minute intervals using a
Campbell Scientific CR5000 datalogger. Data quality was assured by
graphical analysis. Periods of instrument malfunction, or periods
when instruments were removed from the tower for calibration or
regular maintenance are indicated as data gaps filled with missing
Specifics and related publications
The specifics of the Tromble Watershed site, instrumentation, and
research methods used can be found in the following publications:
Templeton, Ryan C., Enrique R. Vivoni, Luis A. Méndez-Barroso,
Nicole A. Pierini, Cody A. Anderson, Albert Rango, Andrea S.
Laliberte, and Russell L. Scott. "High-resolution
characterization of a semiarid watershed: Implications on
evapotranspiration estimates." Journal of Hydrology 509
(2014): 306-319.
Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., E. R. Vivoni, G. Mascaro,and T. E. Franz.
"Closing the water balance with cosmic-ray soil moisture
measurements and assessing their relation to evapotranspiration in
two semiarid watersheds." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
20 (2016):329–345.
Related data packages
Complementary data, such as eddy covariance data at the Tromble
micromet tower, can be found in other data packages on EDI.
knb-lter-jrn.210338002 - Tromble Watershed rain gauges (co-located
with transects and tower)
knb-lter-jrn.210338004 - Soil volumetric water content along 3
transects of instrumented soil profiles in the Tromble Watershed
knb-lter-jrn.210338005 - Eddy flux data at the Tromble micromet