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Soil water content measurements in plots with experimentally altered precipitation and nutrient inputs at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 2011-ongoing

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-jrn.210349002.2
Title:Soil water content measurements in plots with experimentally altered precipitation and nutrient inputs at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 2011-ongoing
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

This dataset contains soil volumetric water content data collected starting in 2011 for a long-term precipitation and nutrient manipulation experiment at the Jornada Basin LTER site in southern New Mexico, U.S.A. This experiment uses precipitation shelters and irrigation treatments to manipulate water inputs, and fertilization treatments to alter nitrogen input to 2.5 x 2.5 meter plots in a desert grassland. Soil sensors are installed at surface and deep soil layers in each plot and collect hourly averages of volumetric water content using a time-domain reflectometry method. This dataset contains daily averages. This is an ongoing study and the dataset will be updated yearly.

Short Name:gc_longterm_soilmoisture
Publication Date:2023-03-07
For more information:

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Information Manager (Jornada Basin LTER) [  email ]
Creator:Reichmann, Lara (Arizona State University)
Creator:Gherardi, Laureano (Arizona State University)
Creator:Sala, Osvaldo E (Arizona State University)
Associate:Sutter, Bryce (Arizona State University, field data collection)
Associate:Doucette-Riise, Stephen (Arizona State University, field data collection)
Associate:Maurer, Gregory E (Jornada Basin LTER/New Mexico State University, data analyst)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Soil moisture observations table (VWC in percent)
Soil moisture observations (%) from in-situ monitoring of long-term mean precipitation experimental plots
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Name:Soil moisture observations table (VWC in percent)
Description:Soil moisture observations (%) from in-situ monitoring of long-term mean precipitation experimental plots
Number of Records:73728
Number of Columns:6

Table Structure
Object Name:jrn349002_soil_moisture.csv
Size:2365970 byte
Authentication:01a6b1bc587c9cf1ae27d4d7e454575b Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Number of Foot Lines:0
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
 DateBlockPlot IDPrecipitation treatmentShallow VWCDeep VWC
Column Name:date  
Definition:Dat of sensor observation - daily averagesMeasurement block within the experiment (corresponds mainly to datalogger)Plot ID numberFraction of ambient annual precipitation applied to the plot each yearAverage volumetric water content in percent from the shallow sensorAverage volumetric water content in percent from the deep sensor
Storage Type:dateTime  
Measurement Type:dateTimenominalintervalnominalratioratio
Measurement Values Domain:
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionBlock 1
Code Definition
DefinitionBlock 2
Code Definition
DefinitionBlock 3
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definition180% ambient precipitation (achieved with supplemental irrigation)
Code Definition
Definition20% ambient precipitation (achieved with rainout shelter)
Code Definition
Definitionambient precipitation (control)
Missing Value Code:        
ExplMissing value - data not collected or otherwise unavailable
ExplMissing value - data not collected or otherwise unavailable
Accuracy Report:            
Accuracy Assessment:            

Data Package Usage Rights

This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.


By Thesaurus:
LTER Core Research Areasdisturbance
LTER Controlled Vocabulary v1climate, climate change, droughts, nitrogen cycling, nutrient cycling, precipitation, rainfall, soil moisture, soil water content, water
nonerainfall manipulation
Jornada Basin project namesLTREB global change, study 349
Jornada Basin place namesPasture 13

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Experimental design

This study was conducted in a Bouteloua eripoda grassland in Pasture 13 of the Jornada Experimental Range in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA. In 2006, 36 2.5m x 2.5m plots were established in each of three blocks on a level upland with flat slopes protected from livestock grazing since 1996. The experiment was implemented as a randomized complete block design with 2 factors: precipitation manipulation (3 levels) and nitrogen fertilization (2 levels).

The 3 levels of precipitation manipulation were 1) 80% reduced precipitation, 2) ambient precipitation, and 3) 80% increased precipitation. Reduction of 80% precipitation was achieved with rainout shelters with transparent acrylic troughs that acted like shingles. An irrigation system was used to implement the water addition treatments.

The two levels of nitrogen fertilization consisted of 1) liquid Ammonium nitrate fertilizer applied twice each growing season in mid- and late July from 2006 to 2008 (treatment), and 2) application of the same amount of water, equivalent to a 2mm rain event (controls). The ammonium nitrate fertilizer consisted of 10 grams of ammonium nitrate dissolved in water per meter per year. Treatments began in 2007.

Treatment combinations were randomly assigned to plots within each block. Six replicates were used for each treatment combination yielding total 36 plots per block.

Sensor descriptions and data collection

Shallow probes (Campbell Scientific CS625) began collecting data in mid-2011. Six plots were selected from each precipitation treatment group (total of 18) for soil moisture probe installation. For these surface probes, the CS625 probe was installed in a vertical configuration to measure soil water content from the upper 0-30cm layer of the soil profile.

Shallow probe data were collected in this manner until 2018, with intermittent long gaps in the record, including in early 2013, fall 2015 to fall 2016, and summer 2017 to summer 2018.

Deep soil moisture probes (Campbell Scientific CS650 or CS655???) were installed and began recording data in the summer of 2018. The probes were installed into an excavated soil pit to monitor soil moisture from 50-60cm depth. The sensors were installed at a 45 degree angle. Due to the location and permeability of soil carbonate layers, there is variation of up to ten centimeters in the depth of the lower sensor across plots. Intermittent gaps in the record continued until 2022.

In 2022, the shallow CS625 probes were replaced with Campbell Scientific CS655 probes and the dataloggers were replaced with the CR300 series. The sites were connected to the Jornada wireless network, which should reduce missing data periods going forward.

Soil volumetric water content (VWC, cubic meters H20 per cubic meter soil) is measured every minute by dataloggers (Campbell Scientific CR200x or CR300) and averaged into hourly values for each sensor. Hourly data tables were downloaded a few times annually via USB port on a field tablet computer (Lenovo S10-3t) with Campbell Scientific PC200W or PC400 software. Data are missing from some probes during periods of disconnect or malfunction, and "NA" values are used to fill accordingly. Datalogger records are checked for date/time completion using R. The included data table contains daily averages of soil VWC from surface and deep sensors, as well as plot and treatment information.

Related data and publications

Plant cover and biomass data from this study can be found in EDI data package knb-lter-jrn.210349001.

For further information and results, see:

Throop, H., L. G. Reichmann, O. Sala, and S. Archer. (2012), Response of dominant grass and shrub species to water manipulation: an ecophysical basis for shrub invasion in a Chihuahuan desert grassland. Oecologia 169: 373-383.

Reichmann, L. G., O. E. Sala, and D. P. C. Peters. (2013), Water controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem. Ecosphere 4(1):11.

Reichmann, L.G., Sala, O.E. and Peters, D.P.C. (2013), Precipitation legacies in desert grassland primary production occur through previous‐year tiller density. Ecology, 94: 435-443.

People and Organizations

Organization:Environmental Data Initiative
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Lara Reichmann
Organization:Arizona State University
Individual: Laureano Gherardi
Organization:Arizona State University
Individual: Osvaldo E Sala
Organization:Arizona State University
Organization:Jornada Basin LTER
Position:Information Manager
Email Address:
Web Address:
Associated Parties:
Individual: Bryce Sutter
Organization:Arizona State University
Role:field data collection
Individual: Stephen Doucette-Riise
Organization:Arizona State University
Role:field data collection
Individual: Gregory E Maurer
Organization:Jornada Basin LTER/New Mexico State University
P.O. Box 30003; MSC 3JER New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 U.S.A.
Email Address:
Role:data analyst
Metadata Providers:
Organization:Jornada Basin LTER
Position:Jornada Basin LTER program
P.O. Box 30003; MSC 3JER New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 USA
Email Address:
Web Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:Basin Floor: Study occurred in the basin floor geomorphic zone in the Jornada Basin. More precise geographic coordinates for this study may be requested from the JRN LTER Data Manager (
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  32.749487Southern:  32.473173
Western:  -106.872883Eastern:  -106.692716


Parent Project Information:

Title:LTREB Global Change experiments at Jornada Basin LTER
Individual:Dr. Osvaldo Sala
School of Life Sciences and School of Sustainability,
Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287 United States
480-965-4120 (voice)
Email Address:
Role:Principal Investigator (LTREB)
Individual:Dr. Niall Hanan
P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3JER,
New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 United States
575-646-3335 (voice)
Email Address:
Role:Principal Investigator (LTER)

The Global Change experiments in the Jornada Basin consist of controlled, long-term experiments designed to uncover what causes changes in grasslands with enough confidence to predict their future as they begin to experience conditions never seen before. The project expands on decade-long field experiments in which rainfall amount and variability were manipulated over multi-year timescales. Results from these experiments will yield new understanding that will provide guidance to managers of drylands in the Southwest United States, and around the world. The project is funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Long Term Research in Environmental Biology, or LTREB, program.

The Global Change experiments occur in coordination with the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research program (JRN LTER). JRN LTER is part of a national network of long-term ecological research sites funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The Jornada LTER program has been continuously funded since 1982 (Current NSF award: DEB-2025166) to develop general principles governing changes between grassland and shrubland ecosystems based on long-term data collected in the Chihuahuan Desert. We translate our findings to dryland ecosystems around the world, and forecast the dynamics of future ecosystem states in response to changing climate and land use.

Additional Award Information:
Funder:National Science Foundation
Funder ID:
Title:LTREB: Long-term ecosystem responses to directional changes in precipitation amount and variability in an arid grassland
Additional Award Information:
Funder:National Science Foundation
Funder ID:
Title:LTER: Long –Term Research at the Jornada Basin (LTER VII)
Additional Award Information:
Funder:National Science Foundation
Number:DEB 1832194
Title:Prior award: LTER: Long - Term Research at the Jornada Basin (LTER VII)
Additional Award Information:
Funder:National Science Foundation
Number:DEB 1235828
Title:Prior award: LTER: Long-Term Research at the Jornada Basin (LTER-VI)
Additional Award Information:
Funder:National Science Foundation
Number:DEB 0618210
Title:Prior award: Jornada Basin LTER V: Landscape Linkages in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems


Other Metadata

Additional Metadata

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