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Soil movement across black grama and mesquite ecotone transects in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico, USA, 1933-2011

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-jrn.210365001.37
Title:Soil movement across black grama and mesquite ecotone transects in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico, USA, 1933-2011
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

This package contains data from a study that measured long-term soil movement in areas undergoing mesquite invasion on the Jornada Experimental Range from 1933-2011. Data consists of height measurements of soil on two long-term transects in a Prosopsis-Bouteloua ecotone: NatReveg, established in the Natural Revegetation Exclosure in 1933, and Pasture8B, established in Pasture 8b in 1935. In 1933, about half of the NatReveg exclosure was covered with mesquite dunes. Grasses dominated the non-dune portion, but mesquite plants were present. Approximately one-third of the NatReveg site exclosure was sprayed with 2,4,5-T for mesquite control in 1966-68. Further plot treatments were superposed upon the sprayed portion in 1969-72. The 457-m Pasture 8b transect is oriented WSW-ENE and was established on an area where mesquite dunes were large and well established. The predominant soils in this exclosure are deep, loamy sands. Soil movement at these transects was measured by the distance between the soil surface and a notch in 50 cm t-posts located every 15.2 m (50 ft). The 1731-m Natural Revegetation Exclosure transect runs north-south through the center of the exclosure and extends 61 m (200ft) beyond the boundary fence on either end. These transects were measured in 1950 (8b only), 1955 (8b only), every five years from 1980-2000, and most recently in 2011. Most steel posts were re-measured at these intervals, but some were lost due to excavation or burial. These were replaced with a new baseline notch height initiated on the posts. Data correspond to each year of collection, as well as measures (in cm) of soil deposition or deflation during the intervals. This study is complete.

For further information, see:

Gibbens, R.P., J.M. Tromble, J.T. Hennessy, and M. Cardenas, 1983. "Soil movement in mesquite dunelands and former grasslands of southern New Mexico from 1933 to 1980." Journal of Range Management 36:145-148

Publication Date:2020-02-17

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Bestelmeyer, Brandon T. (USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range) 
Contact:Data Manager(Jornada Basin LTER) [  email ]
Creator:Campbell, Robert (USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range)
Creator:Gibbens, Robert (USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range)
Creator:Bestelmeyer, Brandon T. (USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Change in soil height (cm) along long-term vegetation transects
Change in soil height (cm) along long-term vegetation transects
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Name:Change in soil height (cm) along long-term vegetation transects
Description:Change in soil height (cm) along long-term vegetation transects
Number of Records:1070
Number of Columns:5

Table Structure
Object Name:JRN_365001_SoilMovementData.csv
Size:32519 bytes
Authentication:6a3bb796c4fb3ea375421894f2a64d01 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:transect  
Definition:Name of transectYear the data was collectedT-post identifierDistance from notch on stake (negative values below notch and positive value above notch, cm)Comments about data collection
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominaldateTimenominalrationominal
Measurement Values Domain:
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionPasture 8 transect east of pasture 9
Code Definition
DefinitionNatural Revegetation Exclosure transect at center of exclosure
DefinitionT-post identifier
DefinitionComments about data collection
Missing Value Code:      
Explmissing data
ExplNo comment
Accuracy Report:          
Accuracy Assessment:          

Data Package Usage Rights

This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.


By Thesaurus:
JRN Dataset Keywordslong-term, USDA
Jornada Place NamesJER, CDRRC, Pasture 8B, Nautral Revegetation Exclosure
Jornada Project Namesstudy 365
LTER Core AreaDisturbance
LTER Controlled Vocabularysoil, land use history, debris flows, disturbance patterns, soil properties, topography, transects, sedimentation, soil disturbance, sediments, soil horizons, desert, dunes, grasslands, long term, erosion
(No thesaurus)soil movement, deflation

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Design, treatments, and soil measurements

This study was conducted on the Jornada Experimental Range (JER) from 1933-2011 and is described in detail in Gibbens et al. 1983. The study area is located on pasture exclosures in the basin where typic haplargids of the onite series and typic torripsamments of the pintura series dominate. Vegetation is dominated by large honey mesquite dunes (Prosopis glandulosa) and black grama grass (Bouteloua eriopoda). The Pasture 8B exclosure was established on an area where mesquite dunes were large and well established. Many seeding and transplanting trials were conducted from 1934-36 in unsuccessful attempts to establish forage grasses and browse species. In 1933, about half of the Site B exclosure was covered with mesquite dunes. Grasses dominated the non-dune portion of the exclosure but mesquite plants were present. To facilitate vegetation type mapping, a 201.1 X 201.1 m (10 X 10 chain) grid was laid out on the site Pasture 8B exclosure. Intersections of grid lines (81 points) were marked by steel fence posts. In February, 1935, the soil level at each grid point post was marked by filing a notch in the post 15.2 cm above the upper face of a 30.5 cm wooden ruler laid on the soil surface in a north-south direction on the east side of the post. In I931, a 201.1 X 100.6 m (10 X 5 chain) grid was laid out on the Natural Revegetation (NatReveg) exclosure. Grid line intersections (153 points) were marked with a 1.2-m length of 3.2-cm pipe. Soil levels were marked, as described above, on the pipes in May, 1933. A re-measurement of soil levels at the grid markers was made in February, 1935. A transect was established across the NatReveg exclosure in 1935. Stakes 66 cm long cut from steel fence posts were driven 43 cm into the ground at 15.2-m intervals. The transects, which followed a north-south grid line 604 m from the west side of the exclosure, extended 61 m beyond the exclosure fence on the north and south sides. Soil levels were marked, on the 104 transect stakes in April, 1935.

For re-measuring, a metal detector was used to locate completely buried stakes. These were carefully excavated, preserving a reference to the current soil surface level. Frequency of re-measurement occurred every 5 years except for after 2000 (1933/35, 1950, 1955, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2011).


Gibbens, R.P., J.M. Tromble, J.T. Hennessy, and M. Cardenas, 1983. "Soil movement in mesquite dunelands and former grasslands of southern New Mexico from 1933 to 1980." Journal of Range Management 36:145-148

People and Organizations

Individual: Robert Campbell
Organization:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Individual: Robert Gibbens
Organization:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Individual: Brandon T. Bestelmeyer
Organization:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Individual: Brandon T. Bestelmeyer
Organization:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Individual: Data Manager
Organization:Jornada Basin LTER
Email Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:Both transects are located in the Basin Floor geomorphic unit. More detailed coordinates are available from the JRN LTER Data Manager upon request.
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  32.7494871Southern:  32.47317259
Western:  -106.8728831Eastern:  -106.6927163


Parent Project Information:

Title:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Individual: Kris Havstad
Organization:USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range
Role:Principal Investigator
Funding: USDA


Description:complete. Measurements were periodic between 1933 and 2011.
Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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