Sampling design
This data was collected from 1983-1985 as part of the Jornada Basin
LTER program.
Grasshoppers were sampled from nine plots on the east bajada of the
Dona Ana Mts. Three plots were situated on the bajada parallel to and
200 m south of the LTER-I transect. Two additional sets of three plots
were located 5 km and 10 km south of the LTER transect. Each plot is
composed of two 50 m belt transects, each divided into ten 5
m2 quadrats. Grasshoppers were visually
sampled in each quadrat/plot each May, July, and September of 1983,
1984,, and 1985. For each individual grasshopper, its age, sex, and
substrate it was observed on were recorded.
This dataset consists of the date of collection, plot number, transect
number, quadrat number, grasshopper species, substrate, sex, and age.
Additional Files
An additional metadata file - jgrashop.dsd.txt - from the earlier
Jornada information management system is included and may contain
useful metadata.
A list of species codes - JornadaGrasshopperDatasetCodes.txt - is
included and should be used alongside the dataset to identify
“Grasshopper Species” and “Substrate” attribute codes.