This data package contains fluff grass (Erioneuron pulchellum) data
from 1987. The purpose of this study was to test if changing densities
of soil microarthropods and nematodes results in changes in fluff
grass nitrogen mineralization and biomass. Twenty plots (each 6m x 6m)
with 3-meter buffers between were established on the Jornada Basin
CDRCC. Four treatments were assigned to 5 plots each 1) Chlordane (to
exclude microarthropods), 2) Chlordane and water, 3) Water, and 4)
Control. For four consecutive months, randomly selected fluff grass
plants were collected from each plot and the flowers, green leaves,
yellow leaves, and grey leaves were separated for total nitrogen
digestion analysis and dry weight. This data set consists of sampling
date, treatment, plant matter, total nitrogen and dry weight. This
study was complete in August 1987. For additional data from this
study, refer to other JRN packages: 210385004, 210385003, 210385008,
210385005, 210385006, 210385001.