Irrigation treatment and soil sampling:
Investigation of nematode abundances beneath mesquite trees
(Prosopis glandulosa) and responses to irrigation began in March
1988. Soil cores were sampled from irrigated and non-rrigated
coppice mesquite dune habitats with 30% vegetation cover and
scattered shrubs of saltbush and snakeweed.
Five mesquite dunes were irrigated by pumping water from a storage
tank located 200 m from the site. Water was applied to the dunes
with an overhead sprinkler (later replaced by a drip irrigation
system to minimize wind drift) placed at the apex of each dune.
Irrigation began in March with approximately 2.5 cm applied 2-3
times/week for 6 weeks to initially wet the dry soil. Thereafter
high- water availability was maintained by weekly irrigation. Five
non-irrigated dunes served as control. Soil samples were collected
(hand augered) under mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) trees to three
depths, 0-50 and 50-100, and 100-150cm. Soil samples were placed
in plastic bags, tied, and stored in portable coolers. These
samples were later divided into subsamples for nematode
Laboratory analyses:
Nematodes were recovered using semi-automatic elutriator with
sugar flotation-sieving (Byrd et al. 1976), and Baerman Funnel
Technique (Freckman and Virginia 1989). Nematodes were counted per
kilogram of soil and separated into trophic groups (Freckman et
al. 1987, Freckman and Baldwin 1990).
Byrd D.W. Jr, Barker K.R., Ferris H., Nusbaum C.J., Griffin W.E.,
Small R.H., and Stone C.A. 1976. Two semi-automatic elutriators
for extracting nematodes and certain fungi from soil. Journal of
Nematology 8: 206-212.
Freckman D.W., Whitford W.G., and Steinberger Y. 1987. Effects of
irrigation on nematode population dynamics and activity in desert
soils. Biology and Fertility of Soil 3: 3-10.
Freckman D.W. and Virginia R.A. 1989. Plant-feeding nematodes in
deep-rooting desert ecosystems. Ecology 70 (6): 1665-1678.
Freckman D.W. and Baldwin J.G. 1990. Nematoda. In: Dindal, DL.
Soil Biology Guide. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, pp
Supplemental files
irrnem.dsd.txt: This is a metadata file from the Jornada LTER
archives that may have some useful information.