This data package contains data from shrub removal and lagomorph
exclusion plots on the Jornada Experiemental Range from 1938-2001.
The purpose of this study is to quantify vegetation dynamics in a
creosotebush dominated community in response to lagomorph exclusion
and shrub removal. Sixteen plots at each of 3 sites (Gravelly Ridges,
Dona Ana exclosure, and Parker Tank) were established in 1938-39.
Plots were 21.3 x 21.3 m with a 7.6 m buffer zone between each. Plots
were divided into east and west halves and 14 randomly located 10.65 m
transects were located in each half plot. Vegetation was measured
using vertical line point intercepts in 1947, 1956, 1960, 1967, 1989,
1995, and 2001 for Gravelly Ridges and 1939, 1947, 1960, 1967, and
2001 for Dona Ana and Parker Tank. The treatments include lagomorph
exclusion (using wire fencing), shrub removal (hand grubbing at the
ground surface), furrowing (shallow, hand raked furrows to trap
surface water), and seeding (broadcast applications of seeds of native
perennials). Seeding and furrowing treatments were only applied in
1939. Lagomorph exclusion has persisted since establishment, and shrub
removal treatments have been reapplied immediately following all years
of vegetation sampling. The dataset contains information on the site,
year of data collection, plot number, line number, vegetation, and
number of vegetation present on each line. This study is complete. For
more information, refer to: Havstad, K.M., R.P. Gibbens, C.A. Knorr,
and L.W. Murray. 1999. Long-term influences of shrub removal and
lagomorph exclusion on Chihuahuan Desert vegetation dynamics. Journal
of Arid Environments 42: 155-166.