To study nitrogen concentrations of soils associated with mesquite
(Prosopis glandulosa), 5 sites were established at the Jornada Basin
in 1986. To compare across habitats, mesquite soil was sampled at
playa, coppice dune, arroyo/wash, and grassland sites. A creosotebush
habitat (Larrea tridentata) was included as a reference as it lacked
mesquite. Soils were sampled under Prosopis at four sites and under
Larrea at one site on the Jornada Basin on October 1, 1986. The soil
samples were augerd from two depths (0-15cm, 15-30cm) from four canopy
positions, (1) stem base, (2) mid-canopy, (3) outer edge-of-canopy,
and (4) interzone-- one canopy distance (radius) away from the edge of
the shrub canopy in an unvegetated interzone. Four shrubs were sampled
at each habitat. Soil samples were air-dried in a glasshouse and
ground to pass a 2-mm sieve. Total N was digested by Kjeldahl
digestion block techniques (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982). Digest NH4-N
was analyzed using an automated salicylate procedure (Technicon
Industrial Method No. 329-74W/B). Inorganic N (NH4-N and NO3 + NO2-N)
was extracted with 2M KCl (Keeney and Nelson, 1982). Ammonium-N in the
extracts was analyzed colorimetrically (indophenol blue) in an
automated procedure (Technicon Industrial Method No. 154-71) and NO3 +
NO2-N was measured by an automated Cd reduction colorimetric procedure
(Technicon Industrial Method No. 100-70W/).
The data set includes the date of collection, habitat, replication,
position, depth, and distance of sample, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
(g/kg), NH4 (mg/kg), NO3 (mg/kg), and total inorganic N (mg/kg). This
study was completed on October 1, 1986.