To study nitrogen concentrations of soils associated with mesquite
(Prosopis glandulosa), 5 sites were established at the Jornada Basin
in 1986. To compare across ecosystems, mesquite soil was sampled at
four sites representing different mesquite habitats - playa, coppice
dune, arroyo/wash, and grassland. An ecosystem dominated by the
non-legume, Larrea tridentata, and lacking mesquite was also included
as a reference.
Soils were sampled on October 1, 1986. The soil samples were augered
from two depths (0-15cm, 15-30cm) from four canopy positions, (1) stem
base, (2) mid-canopy, (3) outer edge-of-canopy, and (4) interzone--
one canopy distance (radius) away from the edge of the shrub canopy in
an unvegetated interzone. Four shrubs were sampled at each habitat.
Soil samples were air-dried in a glasshouse and ground to pass a 2-mm
sieve. Total N was digested by Kjeldahl digestion block techniques
(Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982). Digest NH4-N was analyzed using an
automated salicylate procedure (Technicon Industrial Method No.
329-74W/B). Inorganic N (NH4-N and NO3 + NO2-N) was extracted with 2M
KCl (Keeney and Nelson, 1982). Ammonium-N in the extracts was analyzed
colorimetrically (indophenol blue) in an automated procedure
(Technicon Industrial Method No. 154-71) and NO3 + NO2-N was measured
by an automated Cd reduction colorimetric procedure (Technicon
Industrial Method No. 100-70W/).
The data set includes the date of collection, habitat, replication,
position, depth, and distance of sample, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
(g/kg), NH4 (mg/kg), NO3 (mg/kg), and total inorganic N (mg/kg). This
study was completed on October 1, 1986.