To investigate the pre-dawn water potential, 20 plots (each 2.5m x
2.5m) were established on the Jornada Basin LTER. Five precipitation
treatments (+/-80%, +/-50%, and control/ambient PPT) and 4 replicates
per plots were used to compare differences in water potential of
leaves collected from mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) and black grama
(Bouteloua eriopoda). Each plot was centered around a mature mesquite
shrub with a mean height of 0.5m, and mean canopy diameter of 1.1 m.
PPT manipulations used a combination of rain-out shelters and
irrigation systems.
One mesquite and one black grama leaf from each plot were measured on
7/25/07, 8/18/07, 7/21/08, 7/25/08, and 8/13/08. Leaves were excised
from plants and immediately measured and were completed at least 0.5 h
before dawn. Predawn leaf water potential was quantified with pressure
chambers (black grama: model 1000, with 100 bar capacity; PMS
Instrument Co, Corvallis, OR; mesquite: model 2005, Soil Moisture
Equipment Corp, Santa Barbara, CA).
The data set includes the date of collection, plot, plant species, ppt
treatment, and leaf water potiential (MPa). This study was completed
on August 13, 2008.
For more details, see Throop, H.L., Reichmann, L.G., Sala, O.E. and
Archer, S.R., 2012. Response of dominant grass and shrub species to
water manipulation: an ecophysiological basis for shrub invasion in a
Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Oecologia, 169(2), DOI