Definition: | IRMS sample tray identifier (to cross check with error report sheet) | Year sample was collected | Year laboratory analyses were conducted | Standard reference material | %C by sample weight | Standard deviation of sample %C | Number of analytical replicates | Mean of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material ((known ug C – measured ug C)*100/known ug C) | Standard deviation of residual error of standard reference materials | Number of analytical replicates | Did this standard pass QA/QC? Adherence is defined as a C_pct_error_ave < 10% | Known d13C values for standard reference materials | Stable carbon isotope ratio, normalized by internal standards and standardized to VPDB | Standard deviation of sample d13C | Number of analytical replicates | Mean of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material (known d13C – measured d13C) | Standard deviation of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material (known d13C – measured d13C) | Number of analytical replicates | Did this standard pass QA/QC? Adherence is defined as a d13C_error_ave < 0.3‰ for soil standard and < 0.2‰ for glycine | %N by standard weight | Standard deviation of standard %N | Number of analytical replicates | Mean of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material ((known ug N – measured ug N)*100/known ug N) | Standard deviation of residual error of standard reference materials | Number of analytical replicates | Did this standard pass QA/QC? Adherence is defined as a N_pct_error_ave < 10% | Known d15N values for standard reference materials | Stable carbon isotope ratio, normalized by internal standards and standardized to Air | Standard deviation of sample d15N | Number of analytical replicates | Mean of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material (known d15N – measured d15N) | Standard deviation of absolute values of residual error of standard reference material (known d15N – measured d15N) | Number of analytical replicates | Did this standard pass QA/QC? Adherence is defined as a d15N_error_ave < 0.3‰ for soil standard and < 0.2‰ for glycine |