Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BigGridSnailCaptures.csv | Size: | 594034 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
Column Name: | Year of observation or monitoring
| Season Code
| Run ID
| Point of measurement
| Date of observation or monitoring
| Population size of captured Austroselenites alticola
| Population size of captured Alcadia alta
| Population size of captured Alcadia striata
| Population size of captured Caracolus caracolla
| Population size of captured Caracolus marginella
| Population size of captured Cepolis musicola
| Population size of captured Cepolis squamosa
| Population size of captured Gaeotis nigrolineata
| Population size of captured Lamellaxis gracilis
| Population size of captured Megalomastoma croceum
| Population size of captured Nenia tridens
| Population size of captured Oleacina glabra
| Population size of captured Oleacina playa
| Population size of captured Obeliscus terebraster
| Population size of captured Polydontes acutangul
| Population size of captured Platysuccinea portoricensis
| Population size of captured Subulina octana
| Population size of captured Vaginulus occidentalis
| Population size of snails of unknown species
| Total snail abundance
| Comments at the field
| Definition: | Year (in yyyy) format when the observation or monitoring was made at the field. | A code used to designate the season when data was captured (Wet, Dry) | Identifies which night of sampling the data represent within a season | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Date in mm/dd/yyyy format when observations or monitoring were done. | Population size of captured Austroselenites alticola at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of Alcadia alta captured at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Alcadia striata at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Caracolus caracolla at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Caracolus marginella at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Cepolis musicola at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Cepolis squamosa at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Gaeotis nigrolineata at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Lamellaxis gracilis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Megalomastoma croceum at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Nenia tridensat each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Oleacina glabra at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Oleacina playa at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Obeliscus terebraster at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Polydontes acutangula at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Platysuccinea portoricensis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Subulina octana at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Vaginulus occidentalis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured snails of unknown species at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Total abundance of all snails, regardless of species. Total abundance (MNKA) of all snails | Comments annotated by observer at the field. | Storage Type: | date
| string
| string
| string
| date
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | string
| | string
| Measurement Type: | dateTime | nominal | nominal | nominal | dateTime | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Wet | Definition | Wet Season. summer | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Dry | Definition | Dry Season. not summer | Source | |
| Definition | Identifies which night of sampling the data represent within a season |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Format | MM/DD/YYYY | Precision | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Definition | Population size of captured snails of unknown species at each point. No data is missing in this field. |
| | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WalkingStickMKNA1992-2017.csv | Size: | 86686 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
Column Name: | Year-season code
| Point of measurement
| Juvenile Run 1
| Juvenile Run 2
| Juvenile Run 3
| Juvenile Run 4
| Male Run 1
| Male Run 2
| Male Run 3
| Male Run 4
| Female Run 1
| Female Run 2
| Female Run 3
| Female Run 4
| Total Juvenile
| Total Male
| Total Female
| Total Adult
| Total of all Total
| Minimum Number of Juvenile known alive
| Minimum Number of Adult known alive
| Definition: | Season code containing the last two digit of the year; the season (W for wet); and in the summary of 1999 a digit representing the date in which the observation was done (1 for 06/20/94; 2 for 07/04/94; and 3 for 07/24/94)
Season code containing the last two digit of the year; the season (W for wet); and in the summary of 1999 a digit representing the date in which the observation was done (1 for 06/20/94; 2 for 07/04/94; and 3 for 07/24/94) | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the first time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the second time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the third time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the fourth time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult maleL. portoricensisencountered the first time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult maleL. portoricensisencountered the second time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult maleL. portoricensisencountered the third time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult maleL. portoricensisencountered the fourth time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult femaleL. portoricensisencountered the first time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult femaleL. portoricensisencountered the second time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult femaleL. portoricensisencountered the third time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Number of adult femaleL. portoricensisencountered the fourth time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Total number of adult juvenileL. portoricensisencountered throughout the season. | Total number of adult male L. portoricensis encountered throughout the season. | Total number of adult female L. portoricensis encountered throughout the season. | Sum of Total Male and Total Female L. portoricensis encountered throughout the season. | Total number of L. portoricensis encountered throughout the season. | Maximum number of juvenileL. portoricensisindividuals found at a particular point during the season of interest. Left blank if data is missing in this field.. | Maximum number of adultL. portoricensisindividuals found at a particular point during the season of interest. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Minimum Number of totalL. portoricensisindividuals found at a particular point during the season of interest. Left blank if data is missing in this field. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| | | string
| string
| string
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Season code containing the last two digit of the year; the season (W for wet); and in the summary of 1999 a digit representing the date in which the observation was done (1 for 06/20/94; 2 for 07/04/94; and 3 for 07/24/94)
Season code containing the last two digit of the year; the season (W for wet); and in the summary of 1999 a digit representing the date in which the observation was done (1 for 06/20/94; 2 for 07/04/94; and 3 for 07/24/94) |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| | | Definition | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the third time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Number of juvenileL. portoricensisencountered the fourth time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Number of adult maleL. portoricensisencountered the first time the point was surveyed. Left blank if data is missing in this field. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R17WRECAP.csv | Size: | 85992 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
Column Name: | Assigned record number
| Year of collection
| Season of observation
| Point of measurement
| Color and Number identification of Caracolus caracolla
| Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1
| Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2
| Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3
| Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4
| Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2
| Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3
| Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4
| Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2
| Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3
| Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4
| Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens
| Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens
| Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2
| Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3
| Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4
| Comments at the field
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Comments annotated by observer at the field. | Storage Type: | | date
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| Measurement Type: | ratio | dateTime | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R16WRECAP.csv | Size: | 68567 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Comments at the field |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Comments annotated by observer at the field. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R15WRECAP.csv | Size: | 58677 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Comments at the field |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Comments annotated by observer at the field. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R14WRECAP.csv | Size: | 55193 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Comments at the field |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Comments annotated by observer at the field. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R13WRECAP.csv | Size: | 47468 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R12WRECAP.csv | Size: | 41559 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R12DRECAP.csv | Size: | 41407 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R11WRECAP.csv | Size: | 36974 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R11DRECAP.csv | Size: | 25907 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R99WRECAP.csv | Size: | 31858 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Year of collection | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Year of collection | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R99DRECAP.csv | Size: | 18262 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R98WRECAP.csv | Size: | 87181 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R98DRECAP.csv | Size: | 57912 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R97WRECAP.csv | Size: | 204042 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R97DRECAP.csv | Size: | 41554 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R96WRECAP.csv | Size: | 172182 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July to December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January to July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R96DRECAP.csv | Size: | 30220 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Record number | Year of collection | Season | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | RECNUM
| Point
| Definition: | RECNUM - record number
record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | RECNUM - record number
record number |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July to December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January to July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R95WRECAP.csv | Size: | 224225 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 | COMMENTS |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Comments from the Field
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Comments annotated at the field. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July to December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January to July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Definition | Comments annotated at the field. |
| Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R10WRECAP.csv | Size: | 40076 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R10DRECAP.csv | Size: | 51884 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R09WRECAP.csv | Size: | 45795 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R09DRECAP.csv | Size: | 17139 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R08WRECAP.csv | Size: | 61405 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R08DRECAP.csv | Size: | 36174 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R07WRECAP.csv | Size: | 39424 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R07DRECAP.csv | Size: | 37955 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R06WRECAP.csv | Size: | 42858 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R06DRECAP.csv | Size: | 39074 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R05WRECAP.csv | Size: | 45311 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R05DRECAP.csv | Size: | 15112 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R04WRECAP.csv | Size: | 35362 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R04DRECAP.csv | Size: | 34258 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R03WRECAP.csv | Size: | 47161 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R03DRECAP.csv | Size: | 42918 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R02WRECAP.csv | Size: | 44354 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R02DRECAP.csv | Size: | 44449 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R01WRECAP.csv | Size: | 27448 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R01DRECAP.csv | Size: | 17000 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R00WRECAP.csv | Size: | 21218 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | BGSnailM-R00DRECAP.csv | Size: | 13283 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Number of Foot Lines: | 0 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: | |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | Assigned record number | Year of collection | Season of observation | Point of measurement | Color and Number identification ofCaracolus caracolla | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 1 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 2 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 3 | Recapture event of Caracolus caracollain survey 4 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Recapture event of Nenia tridens in survey 4 | Color and Number identification of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of Nenia tridens | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 2 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 3 | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens in survey 4 |
Column Name: | recnum
| Point
| Definition: | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. | Year of collection | Part of the year according to amount of precipitation when observations were done | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the first sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Caracolus caracolla found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Caracolus caracolla captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 2 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 3 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Whether any individual of Nenia tridens captured in survey 4 had been captured previously in the same season. No data is missing in this field. | Number and color of marks placed on shells of for identification. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell in each sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the second sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the third sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Greatest length of shell of a Nenia tridens found in the fourth sampling period within a season. Empty cells in-dicate that an individual was not captured. | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| string
| | | | | Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Number assigned to record for data management purposes. No data is missing in this field. |
| Definition | Year of collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | wet | Definition | July-December | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | dry | Definition | January-July | Source | |
| Definition | Point in the grid where the observation was performed. There is no record of the grid point if no observation was performed. |
| Definition | Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.})
Number and color of marks placed on shells of a Caracolus caracolla individual for identification (Band # or band# or #band or #BAND or #(band) or #char or UNM# or #C or C# or #c: UNM = unmarked; # {1; 2; ...}; [C;c] {[W;w] = white; [R;r] = red; [B;b] = blue; gr = gray; [g;G] = green; etc.}) |
| | | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | no recapture | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | recapture occured | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | | Code Definition | Code | b | Definition | blue | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | w | Definition | white | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 37, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 40, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 43, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 46, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 49, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 88, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ON# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 91, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 94, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 97, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | OV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of O{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where O=orange color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 100, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 139, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 142, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 145, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 148, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 151, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 190, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 193, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 196, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 199, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | BV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of B{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where B=blue color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 202, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 241, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 244, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 247, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 250, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 253, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 292, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 298, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 301, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | PV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of P{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where P=pink color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 304, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YA# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : A is 343, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YB# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : B is 346, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YE# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : E is 349, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YH# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : H is 352, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YJ# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : J is 355, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YK# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : K is 394, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YN# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : N is 397, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YP# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : P is 400, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YT# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : T is 403, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | YV# | Definition | Color coding used since 2011 in the form of Y{A, B, E, H, J, K, N, P, T, V}# where Y=yellow color, and the second letter represents the plot where the snail was : V is 406, and the number refers to the number of snail marked at that site. | Source | |
| | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | none | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | | | | | | Code | blank | Expl | Empty cells indicate that an individual was not captured |
| | | Code | blank | Expl | Missing Value |
| | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |