Definition: | Elevation of stratum in meters (in increments of 50) above sea level | Identifies the specific plot (3 m radius) that was sampled within each stratum (A - J, paired elevational transects-250 m to 1000 m) in the Sonadora River watershed at 50 m intervals to decouple underlying environmental gradients that are associated with changes in elevation and that are hypothesized to structure animal communities. | Identifies which of the sampling visits within a year the data represent. | Date of the day (in mm/dd/yyyy) when measurements where taken. For the Landslides Projects, it is the first day when measurements of diameter class in each plot were made. | Population size of Alcadia alta captured at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Alcadia striata at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Austroselenites alticola at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Caracolus caracolla at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Caracolus marginella at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Cepolis musicola at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Cepolis squamosa at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Gaeotis nigrolineata at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Lamellaxis gracilis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Licina spp. at each point. No data are missing in this field. | Population size of captured Megalomastoma croceum at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Nenia tridensat each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Obeliscus terebraster at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Oleacina glabra at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Oleacina playa at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Platysuccinea portoricensis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Polydontes acutangula at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Polydontes lima at each point. No data are missing in this field. | Population size of captured Polydontes luquillensis at each point. No data are missing in this field. | Population size of captured Subulina octana at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Population size of captured Vaginulus occidentalis at each point. No data is missing in this field. | Total abundance of all snails, regardless of species. Total abundance (MNKA) of all snails | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | 250 | Max | 1000 |
| Definition | Identifies the specific plot (3 m radius) that was sampled within each stratum (A - J, paired elevational transects-250 m to 1000 m) in the Sonadora River watershed at 50 m intervals to decouple underlying environmental gradients that are associated with changes in elevation and that are hypothesized to structure animal communities. |
| Unit | number | Type | real | Min | 1 | Max | 4 |
| Format | mm/dd/yyyy | Precision | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Definition | Comments annotated by observer at the field. |