Definition: | Lake-year identification name | Lake identification number | year | number of walleye sampled | walleye population estimate | surface area of lake | walleye production rate | walleye standing biomass | walleye production/biomass (turnover rate) per year | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources designated recruitment category for each lake | number of fish harvested by anglers | angler yield | number of fish harvested by tribal spearfishers | tribal spearfisher yield | | total yield (angler + tribal) per unit lake area | yield per production |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Lake-year identification name |
| Definition | Lake identification number |
| | | | | Unit | kilogramsPerHectarePerYear | Type | real |
| Unit | kilogramsPerHectare | Type | real |
| | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | NR | Definition | natural recruitment | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | ST | Definition | stocked | Source | |
| | | | | | Unit | kilogramsPerHectare | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |