| 2 netCDF files. has dimensions 1) x: x coordinate of grid cell centroid in Albers projection (Great Lakes St Lawrence Albers [Proj4 +init=epsg:3175]), units: meters east, n=146, 2) y:y coordinate of grid cell centroid in Albers projection (Great Lakes St Lawrence Albers [Proj4 +init=epsg:3175]), units: meters north, n=180. For each x,y coordinate there is the mean of the 250 posterior MCMC estimates of biomass (megagrams per hectare) for each of the following taxa: "Ash","Basswood", "Beech", "Birch", "Black gum/Sweet gum", "Cedar/Juniper", "Cherry", "Dogwood", "Elm", "Fir", "Hemlock", "Hickory", "Ironwood", "Maple", "Oak", "Pine", "Poplar/Tulip poplar", "Spruce", "Tamarack", "Walnut", "Total". These mean point predictions can be calculated from the 250 MCMC draws in the file. has dimensions 1) x: x coordinate of grid cell centroid in Albers projection (Great Lakes St Lawrence Albers [Proj4 +init=epsg:3175]), units: meters east, n=146, 2) y:y coordinate of grid cell centroid in Albers projection (Great Lakes St Lawrence Albers [Proj4 +init=epsg:3175]), units: meters north, n=180,and 3) Sample: 250 MCMC samples. For exach x, y coordinate, the 250 samples are the biomass (megagrams per hectare) MCMC draws from the statistical model for the follwoing taxa: "Ash","Basswood", "Beech", "Birch", "Black gum/Sweet gum", "Cedar/Juniper", "Cherry", "Dogwood", "Elm", "Fir", "Hemlock", "Hickory", "Ironwood", "Maple", "Oak", "Pine", "Poplar/Tulip poplar", "Spruce", "Tamarack", "Walnut", "Total".