Data Package Quality Report
PackageId: edi.10.3
Report Date/Time: 2020-05-19T08:52:09
Dataset Report
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:error
packageId pattern matches "scope.identifier.revision"Check against LTER requirements for scope.identifier.revision'scope.n.m', where 'n' and 'm' are integers and 'scope' is one of an allowed set of valuesedi.10.3
On failure:error
EML version 2.1.0 or beyondCheck the EML document declaration for version 2.1.0 or highereml:// or highereml:// of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is schema-valid EMLCheck document schema validityschema-validDocument validated for namespace: 'eml://'Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is EML parser-validCheck document using the EML IDs and references parserValidates with the EML IDs and references parserEML IDs and references parser succeededValidity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Dereferenced document is schema-valid EMLReferences are dereferenced, and the resulting file validatedschema-validDereferenced document validated for namespace: 'eml://'Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:warn
keyword element is presentChecks to see if at least one keyword is presentPresence of one or more keyword elements4 'keyword' element(s) found
On failure:warn
A 'methods' element is presentAll datasets should contain a 'methods' element, at a minimum a link to a separate methods doc.presence of 'methods' at one or more xpaths.1 'methods' element(s) foundEML Best Practices, p. 28
On failure:warn
coverage element is presentAt least one coverage element should be present in a dataset.At least one of geographicCoverage, taxonomicCoverage, or temporalCoverage is present in the EML.1 'coverage' element(s) found
On failure:info
geographicCoverage is presentCheck that geographicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.geographicCoverage at least at the dataset level.0 'geographicCoverage' element(s) foundMany but not all datasets are appropriate to have spatial coverage.If sampling EML is used within methods, does that obviate geographicCoverage? Or should those sites be repeated or referenced?EML Best Practices v.2, p. 22-23. "One geographicCoverage element should be included, whose boundingCoordinates describe the extent of the data....Additional geographicCoverage elements may be entered at the dataset level if there are significant distances between study sites and it would be confusing if they were grouped into one bounding box." 6 decimal places.
On failure:info
taxonomicCoverage is presentCheck that taxonomicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.taxonomicCoverage at least at the dataset level.0 'taxonomicCoverage' element(s) foundOnly when taxa are pertinent to the dataset will they have taxonomicCoverage.Could search title, abstract, keywords for any taxonomic name (huge). Could search keywordType="taxonomic".EML Best Practices v.2, p. 25
On failure:info
temporalCoverage is presentCheck that temporalCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.temporalCoverage at least at the dataset level.1 'temporalCoverage' element(s) foundLTER wants to search datasets by time; the best place to search is the dataset level temporal coverage.Most datasets have a temporal range.EML Best Practices v.2, p. 24
On failure:error
An alternateIdentifier with a DOI system attribute that looks like it is generated by PASTA should not be presentReject the data package if it contains an alternateIdentifier DOI that looks like PASTA generated it.No PASTA DOIs are expected to be found in the uploaded data packageNo PASTA DOI alternateIdentifier elements foundPASTA DOI values might appear in an uploaded data package (by various mechanisms). PASTA will assign a DOI after the upload has completed successfully, so an initial one should not be there.
On failure:warn
Dataset title length is at 5 least words.If the title is shorter than 5 words, it might be insufficient. Title word count between 7 and 20 including prepositions and numbers.Between 7 and 20 words12 words found.EML Best Practices, v.2, p. 13
On failure:warn
check to see if funding element is presentChecks to see if the funding element is included.the funding element is expected to be includedNIH NIEHS: 1P42ES025589-01A1
On failure:warn
'pubDate' element is presentCheck for presence of the pubDate elementThe date that the dataset was submitted for publication in PASTA must be included. (The EML schema does not require this element, but when present, it does constrain its format to YYYY-MM-DD or just YYYY. Citation format uses only the YYYY portion even if a full date is entered.) 2020-04-24EML Best Practices v.2, p. 17
On failure:warn
Dataset abstract element is a minimum of 20 wordsCheck the length of a dataset abstract and warn if less than 20 words.An abstract is 20 words or more.139 words found.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
There are no duplicate entity namesChecks that content is not duplicated by other entityName elements in the documententityName is not a duplicate within the documentNo duplicates foundData Manager requires a non-empty, non-duplicate entityName value for every entityDeclare a non-empty entityName and ensure that there are no duplicate entityName values in the document
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 1
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.'numHeaderLines' element: 1
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expected,A valid fieldDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0A\r\nA valid recordDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Is the numberOfRecords element present?Warn the user if the numberOfRecords check is not presentA number of records element is expected for this entitynumberOfRecords element foundThis is a valuable check that we have the correct table.
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 154827 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:warn
Attribute names are uniqueChecks if attributeName values are unique in the table. Not required by EML.Unique attribute names.trueA good table does not have duplicate column names.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c979352be75d17299f755cf8eb01b5e8c979352be75d17299f755cf8eb01b5e8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.154827154827Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
On failure:error
Database table createdStatus of creating a database tableA database table is expected to be generated from the EML attributes.A database table was generated from the attributes descriptionCREATE TABLE Supplemental_Table_1("geneName" TEXT,"Log2FoldChange" FLOAT,"P_adjustedValue" FLOAT);
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayed
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:warn
Data are examined and possible record delimiters are displayedIf no record delimiter was specified, we assume that \r\n is the delimiter. Search the first row for other record delimiters and see if other delimiters are found.No other potential record delimiters expected in the first row.No other potential record delimiters were detected. A valid record delimiter was previously detected
On failure:info
Display first insert rowDisplay the first row of data values to be inserted into the database tableThe first row of data values should be displayedGS1-410F4.2, -3.51, 6.38E-241
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: file:///home/pasta/local/data/edi.10.3/dc9c81ae5ad2e9470576e6dd75fcd9a3
On failure:error
Data does not have fewer fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:error
Data does not have more fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:warn
Data can be loaded into the databaseStatus of loading the data table into a databaseNo errors expected during data loading or data loading was not attempted for this data entityThe data table loaded successfully into a database
On failure:warn
Number of records in metadata matches number of rows loadedCompare number of records specified in metadata to number of records found in data67956795The expected number of records (6795) was found in the data table.
On failure:info
Header row is displayed alongside attribute namesCompare tne content of the data header row to the content of EML attribute names.No expectation, information only Customer should evaluate the findings
On failure:warn
Date format in metadata matches datadateTime/formatString in attribute metadata is from the preferred list, and the data matches. A non-match generates only a warn.Format string is preferred, and all data values match the format stringData values matched the specified formatString.Dates should be consistently formatted and match the formatString in metadata.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 2
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.'numHeaderLines' element: 1
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expected,A valid fieldDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0A\r\nA valid recordDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Is the numberOfRecords element present?Warn the user if the numberOfRecords check is not presentA number of records element is expected for this entitynumberOfRecords element foundThis is a valuable check that we have the correct table.
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 3404 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:warn
Attribute names are uniqueChecks if attributeName values are unique in the table. Not required by EML.Unique attribute names.trueA good table does not have duplicate column names.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.a414f09fe317ca4083393e2890670c6da414f09fe317ca4083393e2890670c6dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.34043404Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
On failure:error
Database table createdStatus of creating a database tableA database table is expected to be generated from the EML attributes.A database table was generated from the attributes descriptionCREATE TABLE Supplemental_Table_2("geneName" TEXT,"Log2FoldChange" FLOAT,"P_adjustedValue" FLOAT);
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayed
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:warn
Data are examined and possible record delimiters are displayedIf no record delimiter was specified, we assume that \r\n is the delimiter. Search the first row for other record delimiters and see if other delimiters are found.No other potential record delimiters expected in the first row.No other potential record delimiters were detected. A valid record delimiter was previously detected
On failure:info
Display first insert rowDisplay the first row of data values to be inserted into the database tableThe first row of data values should be displayedHMOX1, 4.62, 2.58E-33
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: file:///home/pasta/local/data/edi.10.3/054def2cf46fbc3cb8014e37e4ad39e9
On failure:error
Data does not have fewer fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:error
Data does not have more fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:warn
Data can be loaded into the databaseStatus of loading the data table into a databaseNo errors expected during data loading or data loading was not attempted for this data entityThe data table loaded successfully into a database
On failure:warn
Number of records in metadata matches number of rows loadedCompare number of records specified in metadata to number of records found in data142142The expected number of records (142) was found in the data table.
On failure:info
Header row is displayed alongside attribute namesCompare tne content of the data header row to the content of EML attribute names.No expectation, information only Customer should evaluate the findings
On failure:warn
Date format in metadata matches datadateTime/formatString in attribute metadata is from the preferred list, and the data matches. A non-match generates only a warn.Format string is preferred, and all data values match the format stringData values matched the specified formatString.Dates should be consistently formatted and match the formatString in metadata.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 3
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.'numHeaderLines' element: 1
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expected,A valid fieldDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0A\r\nA valid recordDelimiter value was found
On failure:warn
Is the numberOfRecords element present?Warn the user if the numberOfRecords check is not presentA number of records element is expected for this entitynumberOfRecords element foundThis is a valuable check that we have the correct table.
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 4294 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:warn
Attribute names are uniqueChecks if attributeName values are unique in the table. Not required by EML.Unique attribute names.trueA good table does not have duplicate column names.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.e52ddf83d3f232cf5e45b01fe318007ce52ddf83d3f232cf5e45b01fe318007cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.42944294Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
On failure:error
Database table createdStatus of creating a database tableA database table is expected to be generated from the EML attributes.A database table was generated from the attributes descriptionCREATE TABLE Supplemental_Table_3("geneName" TEXT,"Log2FoldChange" FLOAT,"P_adjustedValue" FLOAT);
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayed
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:warn
Data are examined and possible record delimiters are displayedIf no record delimiter was specified, we assume that \r\n is the delimiter. Search the first row for other record delimiters and see if other delimiters are found.No other potential record delimiters expected in the first row.No other potential record delimiters were detected. A valid record delimiter was previously detected
On failure:info
Display first insert rowDisplay the first row of data values to be inserted into the database tableThe first row of data values should be displayedABCA2, -0.47, 5.70E-02
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: file:///home/pasta/local/data/edi.10.3/cc8749c4f43544df3c2bccd48aff22fc
On failure:error
Data does not have fewer fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:error
Data does not have more fields than metadata attributesCompare number of fields specified in metadata to number of fields found in a data recordNo errors detected
On failure:warn
Data can be loaded into the databaseStatus of loading the data table into a databaseNo errors expected during data loading or data loading was not attempted for this data entityThe data table loaded successfully into a database
On failure:warn
Number of records in metadata matches number of rows loadedCompare number of records specified in metadata to number of records found in data191191The expected number of records (191) was found in the data table.
On failure:info
Header row is displayed alongside attribute namesCompare tne content of the data header row to the content of EML attribute names.No expectation, information only Customer should evaluate the findings
On failure:warn
Date format in metadata matches datadateTime/formatString in attribute metadata is from the preferred list, and the data matches. A non-match generates only a warn.Format string is preferred, and all data values match the format stringData values matched the specified formatString.Dates should be consistently formatted and match the formatString in metadata.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 4
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 76412 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.387e78087049eb82be6248ae2236ba28387e78087049eb82be6248ae2236ba28Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.7641276412Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 5
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 91720 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.538388434ecde24fd5023398ba2deb88538388434ecde24fd5023398ba2deb88Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.9172091720Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 6
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 23175 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.78081e77e4279655b441f6216d4f672f78081e77e4279655b441f6216d4f672fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.2317523175Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 7
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 22421 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b4fbbc42ab49045bd34bdc202f20eee3b4fbbc42ab49045bd34bdc202f20eee3Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.2242122421Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 8
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 27717 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d380ae3281800946743b2636b6e39b27d380ae3281800946743b2636b6e39b27Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.2771727717Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Supplemental Table 9
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less20
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 22251 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.25f76b5d504271ddcc16b67d0620a94925f76b5d504271ddcc16b67d0620a949Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.2225122251Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_NT_NS_library_S1_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less29
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 650475373 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.ebfb0745b71d3492745e6a5a69db4f40ebfb0745b71d3492745e6a5a69db4f40Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.650475373650475373Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_NT_STIM_library_S2_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 537196504 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fd615aadd1c29f7186e65e15888e8cd5fd615aadd1c29f7186e65e15888e8cd5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.537196504537196504Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_As_1um_library_S3_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less30
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 410503803 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.e318615eb0cfc4c630e6ed70bc8955cee318615eb0cfc4c630e6ed70bc8955ceMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.410503803410503803Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_As_10um_library_S4_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 258911275 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.8849fa6a7a429f5f0baa22dfe963e3bd8849fa6a7a429f5f0baa22dfe963e3bdMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.258911275258911275Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_UA_3um_library_S5_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less30
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 654539638 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0482ab0bc6f02d7b35e064e63e4cd0ef0482ab0bc6f02d7b35e064e63e4cd0efMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.654539638654539638Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_UA_30um_library_S6_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 347962076 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f01078a440dcb945ec1b07e9239f13d4f01078a440dcb945ec1b07e9239f13d4Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.347962076347962076Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 1_As_1um_UA_3uM_library_S7_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less37
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 171861289 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.a82bb4a59bb7d960eb97d2bd65b86430a82bb4a59bb7d960eb97d2bd65b86430Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.171861289171861289Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_NT_NS_library_S8_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less29
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 373744038 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7b7689e6dd79f8a5116968292f4106037b7689e6dd79f8a5116968292f410603Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.373744038373744038Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_NT_STIM_library_S9_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 419787283 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6e056c3be54a51738763b2330d9cf6bc6e056c3be54a51738763b2330d9cf6bcMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.419787283419787283Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_As_1um_library_S10_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 576765366 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0f9a396f2715486747daf26bbd2643940f9a396f2715486747daf26bbd264394Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.576765366576765366Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_As_10um_library_S11_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less32
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 376362763 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.bea8d9680b57a35ab6bc464201bfa8f0bea8d9680b57a35ab6bc464201bfa8f0Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.376362763376362763Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_UA_3um_library_S12_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 436483441 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.dfe8947ef57cfd5b3078838426c2ab9edfe8947ef57cfd5b3078838426c2ab9eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.436483441436483441Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_UA_30um_library_S13_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less32
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 409836809 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.3250ea8620d7b68d9dc31c0984f5ce613250ea8620d7b68d9dc31c0984f5ce61Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.409836809409836809Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 2_As_1um_UA_3uM_library_S14_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less38
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 264576601 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.a5d1f67722073371ad39837c259753b3a5d1f67722073371ad39837c259753b3Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.264576601264576601Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_NT_NS_library_S15_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less30
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 359921932 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.2b572a0b753ae1555c5fcfe4fcc80e0b2b572a0b753ae1555c5fcfe4fcc80e0bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.359921932359921932Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_NT_STIM_library_S16_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less32
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 510016947 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.eb9b4dfacc7ebc697775009fb3e80a88eb9b4dfacc7ebc697775009fb3e80a88Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.510016947510016947Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_As_1um_library_S17_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 306090058 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fb40d00523caf8d1bff977a6ecbb28a5fb40d00523caf8d1bff977a6ecbb28a5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.306090058306090058Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_As_10um_library_S18_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less32
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 496633306 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.2a75d2a6b8c353e9d8a0d345ea5fd3022a75d2a6b8c353e9d8a0d345ea5fd302Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.496633306496633306Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_UA_3um_library_S19_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 456845731 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.4e5621f44806042ec635106cce8f8bfe4e5621f44806042ec635106cce8f8bfeMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.456845731456845731Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_UA_30um_library_S20_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less32
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 355690231 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.87fec0b320cb0af83796c4eaf66aac7f87fec0b320cb0af83796c4eaf66aac7fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.355690231355690231Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Run 3_As_1um_UA_3uM_library_S21_R1_001
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less38
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 411560456 and size unit specified as 'bytes'. Please note that a size element specified with a unit other than 'byte' will not be tested for congruence.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.98fe18d373e0e51d029db1294e3310b898fe18d373e0e51d029db1294e3310b8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.411560456411560456Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.