Data Package Quality Report
PackageId: edi.1825.1
Report Date/Time: 2024-12-11T22:18:24
Dataset Report
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:error
packageId pattern matches "scope.identifier.revision"Check against LTER requirements for scope.identifier.revision'scope.n.m', where 'n' and 'm' are integers and 'scope' is one of an allowed set of valuesedi.1825.1
On failure:error
EML version 2.1.0 or beyondCheck the EML document declaration for version 2.1.0 or highereml:// or higher of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is schema-valid EMLCheck document schema validityschema-validDocument validated for namespace: ''Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is EML parser-validCheck document using the EML IDs and references parserValidates with the EML IDs and references parserEML IDs and references parser succeededValidity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Dereferenced document is schema-valid EMLReferences are dereferenced, and the resulting file validatedschema-validDereferenced document validated for namespace: ''Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:warn
keyword element is presentChecks to see if at least one keyword is presentPresence of one or more keyword elements7 'keyword' element(s) found
On failure:warn
A 'methods' element is presentAll datasets should contain a 'methods' element, at a minimum a link to a separate methods doc.presence of 'methods' at one or more xpaths.1 'methods' element(s) foundEML Best Practices, p. 28
On failure:warn
coverage element is presentAt least one coverage element should be present in a dataset.At least one of geographicCoverage, taxonomicCoverage, or temporalCoverage is present in the EML.1 'coverage' element(s) found
On failure:info
geographicCoverage is presentCheck that geographicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.geographicCoverage at least at the dataset level.1 'geographicCoverage' element(s) foundMany but not all datasets are appropriate to have spatial coverage.If sampling EML is used within methods, does that obviate geographicCoverage? Or should those sites be repeated or referenced?EML Best Practices v.2, p. 22-23. "One geographicCoverage element should be included, whose boundingCoordinates describe the extent of the data....Additional geographicCoverage elements may be entered at the dataset level if there are significant distances between study sites and it would be confusing if they were grouped into one bounding box." 6 decimal places.
On failure:info
taxonomicCoverage is presentCheck that taxonomicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.taxonomicCoverage at least at the dataset level.0 'taxonomicCoverage' element(s) foundOnly when taxa are pertinent to the dataset will they have taxonomicCoverage.Could search title, abstract, keywords for any taxonomic name (huge). Could search keywordType="taxonomic".EML Best Practices v.2, p. 25
On failure:info
temporalCoverage is presentCheck that temporalCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.temporalCoverage at least at the dataset level.1 'temporalCoverage' element(s) foundLTER wants to search datasets by time; the best place to search is the dataset level temporal coverage.Most datasets have a temporal range.EML Best Practices v.2, p. 24
On failure:error
An alternateIdentifier with a DOI system attribute that looks like it is generated by PASTA should not be presentReject the data package if it contains an alternateIdentifier DOI that looks like PASTA generated it.No PASTA DOIs are expected to be found in the uploaded data packageNo PASTA DOI alternateIdentifier elements foundPASTA DOI values might appear in an uploaded data package (by various mechanisms). PASTA will assign a DOI after the upload has completed successfully, so an initial one should not be there.
On failure:warn
Dataset title length is at 5 least words.If the title is shorter than 5 words, it might be insufficient. Title word count between 7 and 20 including prepositions and numbers.Between 7 and 20 words11 words found.EML Best Practices, v.2, p. 13
On failure:warn
check to see if funding element is presentChecks to see if the funding element is included.the funding element is expected to be includedfunding not foundSearches will want to display datasets by funder or grant id.Include the funding source, please.
On failure:warn
Dataset abstract element is a minimum of 20 wordsCheck the length of a dataset abstract and warn if less than 20 words.An abstract is 20 words or more.144 words found.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
There are no duplicate entity namesChecks that content is not duplicated by other entityName elements in the documententityName is not a duplicate within the documentNo duplicates foundData Manager requires a non-empty, non-duplicate entityName value for every entityDeclare a non-empty entityName and ensure that there are no duplicate entityName values in the document
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJune29
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 484122535 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.94671dffe482b6bff90bfaed07ac797894671dffe482b6bff90bfaed07ac7978Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.484122535484122535Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJune22
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 492791380 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6fd3680dddae5bd10297bb6d669d350d6fd3680dddae5bd10297bb6d669d350dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.492791380492791380Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJune15
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 459816878 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.3564d1cd52ca10222a4309d590e2289d3564d1cd52ca10222a4309d590e2289dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.459816878459816878Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJune08
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 460164276 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.966db3d3af2df752138a9ca49ce9dbe5966db3d3af2df752138a9ca49ce9dbe5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.460164276460164276Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJune01
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 477022837 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.981724b0a43e2969dd2232a0cec50bf8981724b0a43e2969dd2232a0cec50bf8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.477022837477022837Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJuly27
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 442408597 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fd442b97e74bfc5175ef54941e985e09fd442b97e74bfc5175ef54941e985e09Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.442408597442408597Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJuly20
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 486723788 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5ce6a6ecac5ee525f53a425b1013938d5ce6a6ecac5ee525f53a425b1013938dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.486723788486723788Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJuly13
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 477130656 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.cc8331a280750300325953b0a2753ebdcc8331a280750300325953b0a2753ebdMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.477130656477130656Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: SciotoAudubonJuly06
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less19
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 458202903 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7cf10442c14c83a6027cc4a9e878a0307cf10442c14c83a6027cc4a9e878a030Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.458202903458202903Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJune29
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 487398366 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7114f65ede92c769676fd18ff920d76a7114f65ede92c769676fd18ff920d76aMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.487398366487398366Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJune22
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 499763273 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5dea65f22bddaa746e0bca53f9fb319b5dea65f22bddaa746e0bca53f9fb319bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.499763273499763273Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJune15
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 456877137 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5a71523ff99805c0b245ae902e99bc1f5a71523ff99805c0b245ae902e99bc1fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.456877137456877137Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJune08
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 470294633 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c51cfe025db4e28de82f846e22a190c5c51cfe025db4e28de82f846e22a190c5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.470294633470294633Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJune01
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 493882303 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c3814e48a23fbd673eb7b43c9d83fbcac3814e48a23fbd673eb7b43c9d83fbcaMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.493882303493882303Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJuly27
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 447950326 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.8ff4dc98f6ab59c07c899ca97527550c8ff4dc98f6ab59c07c899ca97527550cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.447950326447950326Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJuly20
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 493248907 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c759a5efac27fedee6731b25d725d292c759a5efac27fedee6731b25d725d292Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.493248907493248907Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJuly13
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 484315243 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f12c50c8bb27b30c11192ce6e618d2a4f12c50c8bb27b30c11192ce6e618d2a4Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.484315243484315243Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: RockyForkJuly06
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less15
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 456610941 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b8212458cf35272d973ec1d480f83cd4b8212458cf35272d973ec1d480f83cd4Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.456610941456610941Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJune29
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 495068167 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.423699b154bb59f09e9886cc7b85cd64423699b154bb59f09e9886cc7b85cd64Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.495068167495068167Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJune22
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 496179743 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d74caade4e1314150bb34ec26851e7c2d74caade4e1314150bb34ec26851e7c2Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.496179743496179743Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJune15
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 461769872 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.13c9e9770d883ddecefbaf4fdc4ca44b13c9e9770d883ddecefbaf4fdc4ca44bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.461769872461769872Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJune08
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 473943842 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d96ffa0d87a8c4b30ed6fb7b655f9009d96ffa0d87a8c4b30ed6fb7b655f9009Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.473943842473943842Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJune01
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 500629978 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d9a57d0b23af24cfda3e2606bf26e53dd9a57d0b23af24cfda3e2606bf26e53dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.500629978500629978Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJuly27
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 440043633 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0e063f091a52f0eaad830617e5ceac470e063f091a52f0eaad830617e5ceac47Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.440043633440043633Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJuly20
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 498138577 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.baf09e3c66601c8d2e64eab7206cc771baf09e3c66601c8d2e64eab7206cc771Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.498138577498138577Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJuly13
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 485354581 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.06fff7f3970f8529e9e724cb149fb02f06fff7f3970f8529e9e724cb149fb02fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.485354581485354581Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: KenyonJuly06
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less12
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 460086474 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.db5b87a7494862f94a87073f0de86369db5b87a7494862f94a87073f0de86369Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.460086474460086474Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJune29
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 486957180 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.e109cdb931bdca26a0c321acb4fea11de109cdb931bdca26a0c321acb4fea11dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.486957180486957180Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJune22
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 496971888 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.20a67553ae5651a02069efe2c85b186820a67553ae5651a02069efe2c85b1868Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.496971888496971888Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJune15
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 455942772 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.1535986be3abfc9a78835fcc8960f39f1535986be3abfc9a78835fcc8960f39fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.455942772455942772Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJune08
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 469337396 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.16a170c6377f217adc74c4892f0ded8e16a170c6377f217adc74c4892f0ded8eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.469337396469337396Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJune01
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 488942274 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fc2b89bb80570878a21801d897feac0cfc2b89bb80570878a21801d897feac0cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.488942274488942274Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJuly27
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 444543978 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b14741d7014bcdeef6e6de92a26262b8b14741d7014bcdeef6e6de92a26262b8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.444543978444543978Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJuly20
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 489582860 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.33d4cf86fdf2fbcd2d8e28be757813c133d4cf86fdf2fbcd2d8e28be757813c1Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.489582860489582860Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJuly13
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 482877978 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.150edd0c664460f3fd5d827e447ce1cf150edd0c664460f3fd5d827e447ce1cfMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.482877978482877978Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: BlendonWoodsJuly06
Entity Identifier:
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less18
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, &#39;numHeaderLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, &#39;numFooterLines&#39; must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 456378828 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is &#34;byte&#34; (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL: <![CDATA[]]>
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c8230d80d4de03ac8b5a37efddbcd523c8230d80d4de03ac8b5a37efddbcd523Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.456378828456378828Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.