Data Package Quality Report
PackageId: knb-lter-cap.680.1
Report Date/Time: 2020-02-03T15:32:52
Dataset Report
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:error
packageId pattern matches "scope.identifier.revision"Check against LTER requirements for scope.identifier.revision'scope.n.m', where 'n' and 'm' are integers and 'scope' is one of an allowed set of valuesknb-lter-cap.680.1
On failure:error
EML version 2.1.0 or beyondCheck the EML document declaration for version 2.1.0 or highereml:// or higher of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is schema-valid EMLCheck document schema validityschema-validDocument validated for namespace: ''Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Document is EML parser-validCheck document using the EML IDs and references parserValidates with the EML IDs and references parserEML IDs and references parser succeededValidity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:error
Dereferenced document is schema-valid EMLReferences are dereferenced, and the resulting file validatedschema-validDereferenced document validated for namespace: ''Validity of this quality report is dependent on this check being valid.
On failure:warn
keyword element is presentChecks to see if at least one keyword is presentPresence of one or more keyword elements21 'keyword' element(s) found
On failure:warn
A 'methods' element is presentAll datasets should contain a 'methods' element, at a minimum a link to a separate methods doc.presence of 'methods' at one or more xpaths.1 'methods' element(s) foundEML Best Practices, p. 28
On failure:warn
coverage element is presentAt least one coverage element should be present in a dataset.At least one of geographicCoverage, taxonomicCoverage, or temporalCoverage is present in the EML.91 'coverage' element(s) found
On failure:info
geographicCoverage is presentCheck that geographicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.geographicCoverage at least at the dataset level.91 'geographicCoverage' element(s) foundMany but not all datasets are appropriate to have spatial coverage.If sampling EML is used within methods, does that obviate geographicCoverage? Or should those sites be repeated or referenced?EML Best Practices v.2, p. 22-23. "One geographicCoverage element should be included, whose boundingCoordinates describe the extent of the data....Additional geographicCoverage elements may be entered at the dataset level if there are significant distances between study sites and it would be confusing if they were grouped into one bounding box." 6 decimal places.
On failure:info
taxonomicCoverage is presentCheck that taxonomicCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.taxonomicCoverage at least at the dataset level.0 'taxonomicCoverage' element(s) foundOnly when taxa are pertinent to the dataset will they have taxonomicCoverage.Could search title, abstract, keywords for any taxonomic name (huge). Could search keywordType="taxonomic".EML Best Practices v.2, p. 25
On failure:info
temporalCoverage is presentCheck that temporalCoverage exists in EML at the dataset level, or at least one entity's level, or at least one attribute's level.temporalCoverage at least at the dataset level.91 'temporalCoverage' element(s) foundLTER wants to search datasets by time; the best place to search is the dataset level temporal coverage.Most datasets have a temporal range.EML Best Practices v.2, p. 24
On failure:error
An alternateIdentifier with a DOI system attribute that looks like it is generated by PASTA should not be presentReject the data package if it contains an alternateIdentifier DOI that looks like PASTA generated it.No PASTA DOIs are expected to be found in the uploaded data packageNo PASTA DOI alternateIdentifier elements foundPASTA DOI values might appear in an uploaded data package (by various mechanisms). PASTA will assign a DOI after the upload has completed successfully, so an initial one should not be there.
On failure:warn
Dataset title length is at 5 least words.If the title is shorter than 5 words, it might be insufficient. Title word count between 7 and 20 including prepositions and numbers.Between 7 and 20 words12 words found.EML Best Practices, v.2, p. 13
On failure:warn
'pubDate' element is presentCheck for presence of the pubDate elementThe date that the dataset was submitted for publication in PASTA must be included. (The EML schema does not require this element, but when present, it does constrain its format to YYYY-MM-DD or just YYYY. Citation format uses only the YYYY portion even if a full date is entered.) 2020-02-03EML Best Practices v.2, p. 17
On failure:warn
Dataset abstract element is a minimum of 20 wordsCheck the length of a dataset abstract and warn if less than 20 words.An abstract is 20 words or more.156 words found.EML Best Practices
On failure:error
There are no duplicate entity namesChecks that content is not duplicated by other entityName elements in the documententityName is not a duplicate within the documentNo duplicates foundData Manager requires a non-empty, non-duplicate entityName value for every entityDeclare a non-empty entityName and ensure that there are no duplicate entityName values in the document
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1335491 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.acb3758c486f868a223e4d15a69466abacb3758c486f868a223e4d15a69466abMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13354911335491Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1304933 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.80e590a7ceecaa13c091deff0463502580e590a7ceecaa13c091deff04635025Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13049331304933Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1323699 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.56605ea4e9f204bd4b694ed05a75c01156605ea4e9f204bd4b694ed05a75c011Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13236991323699Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1319019 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.35c06e18588312a15c179fc5e9ff4a5735c06e18588312a15c179fc5e9ff4a57Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13190191319019Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1328309 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.08838e20ab202fa268c04aa4c9fe976208838e20ab202fa268c04aa4c9fe9762Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13283091328309Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1299993 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.a75cd57391a417cb62b61b81cadfd195a75cd57391a417cb62b61b81cadfd195Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12999931299993Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1302471 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.31fff42b1f77ca836b87197d058a094831fff42b1f77ca836b87197d058a0948Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13024711302471Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1332619 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d32d4212c88b70a57bb430afce618596d32d4212c88b70a57bb430afce618596Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13326191332619Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1313569 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.990dde085a5101fb24db631b0e523e11990dde085a5101fb24db631b0e523e11Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13135691313569Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1320453 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.11613ff022786741dd74500a7caa732c11613ff022786741dd74500a7caa732cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13204531320453Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1317599 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c5f0f8d7db1245f1152ac13995be215cc5f0f8d7db1245f1152ac13995be215cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13175991317599Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1321935 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.a972432d4b1a457f97f466336904194ea972432d4b1a457f97f466336904194eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13219351321935Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1318535 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.60353ef0573668940fd74928471ad1d060353ef0573668940fd74928471ad1d0Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13185351318535Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1309799 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0390ad6bce6df521170598b9e040b4580390ad6bce6df521170598b9e040b458Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13097991309799Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1320103 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.67f8217e0289e115143fccb34623bcf767f8217e0289e115143fccb34623bcf7Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13201031320103Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1302847 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.19fbf30385b30543d7624969527c2d9619fbf30385b30543d7624969527c2d96Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13028471302847Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1324057 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.9eae7af391958a187aa525e3ca4bf2159eae7af391958a187aa525e3ca4bf215Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13240571324057Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
Entity Identifier: Max_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1332303 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.419ebd62c96288e2229004545b95872a419ebd62c96288e2229004545b95872aMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13323031332303Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1707251 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.1a3d6db9eeba21b2f915889284f2d7e01a3d6db9eeba21b2f915889284f2d7e0Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17072511707251Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1665075 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.17e39bfb74c674c9ff3c18c44d47c2b917e39bfb74c674c9ff3c18c44d47c2b9Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16650751665075Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1696523 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7dee1418c5f68d91b9e368ff7235261c7dee1418c5f68d91b9e368ff7235261cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16965231696523Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1690153 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.8f4c7e11cf0d475a8bdf401ed456a3548f4c7e11cf0d475a8bdf401ed456a354Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16901531690153Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1718831 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f3207d5d44f74260ab112be70fc5e92df3207d5d44f74260ab112be70fc5e92dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17188311718831Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1682985 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c4074aa0c462691214ec544528ff3ee1c4074aa0c462691214ec544528ff3ee1Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16829851682985Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1675083 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.91d4a563e8593354f909d08d1bb2308391d4a563e8593354f909d08d1bb23083Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16750831675083Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1704569 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.e85c2a2c4343d663bb5b0b31542e33c8e85c2a2c4343d663bb5b0b31542e33c8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17045691704569Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1687891 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.cfac37f8cd48192088f7db277c92cac4cfac37f8cd48192088f7db277c92cac4Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16878911687891Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1699955 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d1af418ee52ddb060ce68e245cfc03add1af418ee52ddb060ce68e245cfc03adMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16999551699955Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1685323 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.85ec94024130cb4c3345e7a4a1c908d285ec94024130cb4c3345e7a4a1c908d2Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16853231685323Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1689071 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.326572d432dc049e875cebecaa0ef686326572d432dc049e875cebecaa0ef686Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16890711689071Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1692307 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.93b6835103c502d4e355f431185e3db593b6835103c502d4e355f431185e3db5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16923071692307Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1706289 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fe43b427a2f5ae10506dba3e869b5ff9fe43b427a2f5ae10506dba3e869b5ff9Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17062891706289Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1702693 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.365b95f409038daf4ffb12246a1af717365b95f409038daf4ffb12246a1af717Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17026931702693Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1686499 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5e8388b3135d0898ddfed2bfc92a4fef5e8388b3135d0898ddfed2bfc92a4fefMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16864991686499Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1699149 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b744d98fa9db0763c2612ea7b9280551b744d98fa9db0763c2612ea7b9280551Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.16991491699149Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
Entity Identifier: Mean_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less24
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1700133 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.73d44319c87a814ab77a020a358444f373d44319c87a814ab77a020a358444f3Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.17001331700133Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1235807 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.670bbb9885954c491926155be788eb77670bbb9885954c491926155be788eb77Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12358071235807Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1196085 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.15cf8bd5f6edeb9e7cde5c8effafd47315cf8bd5f6edeb9e7cde5c8effafd473Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.11960851196085Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1230179 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0cb622bb6eb681609683c0ede35f5d790cb622bb6eb681609683c0ede35f5d79Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12301791230179Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1221069 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.884a58750cdfb894ba19fc99b5e2bf6e884a58750cdfb894ba19fc99b5e2bf6eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12210691221069Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1241305 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.26cb4def07bf799864092f08efec4f4626cb4def07bf799864092f08efec4f46Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12413051241305Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1221873 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d0c38208ab765cf6afcbb5888726e342d0c38208ab765cf6afcbb5888726e342Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12218731221873Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1205125 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.255edb3d0d9f05f6a49d12d075478e02255edb3d0d9f05f6a49d12d075478e02Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12051251205125Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1243227 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7a8cb1b50d4f3f4c606c9431ca8b542a7a8cb1b50d4f3f4c606c9431ca8b542aMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12432271243227Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1229355 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.189bef7e19f2d15d235d618bbfedc134189bef7e19f2d15d235d618bbfedc134Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12293551229355Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1244707 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.725d9a18cb1e8549f7fba659e0264bba725d9a18cb1e8549f7fba659e0264bbaMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12447071244707Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1224703 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d451d777adaf045855d7bdb3adea7dced451d777adaf045855d7bdb3adea7dceMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12247031224703Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1221519 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.876186989151c85486a3d8eef37a309d876186989151c85486a3d8eef37a309dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12215191221519Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1224591 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.06588fb4fab3c28d77ec9ba3acd687d306588fb4fab3c28d77ec9ba3acd687d3Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12245911224591Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1224551 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.9d06a95c3e79d271d4b9a11a3a082b559d06a95c3e79d271d4b9a11a3a082b55Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12245511224551Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1239361 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.96c7b454252f23ee29483c866d358ce496c7b454252f23ee29483c866d358ce4Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12393611239361Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1226979 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.1fe5ebad6730f10010ad9a4eb709d6841fe5ebad6730f10010ad9a4eb709d684Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12269791226979Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1231361 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d0b028ed23d8d39741646b4b59f37fc0d0b028ed23d8d39741646b4b59f37fc0Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12313611231361Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
Entity Identifier: Min_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less23
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1216471 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6588fce36709bf7752a0f04fcdb850c96588fce36709bf7752a0f04fcdb850c9Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12164711216471Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1328963 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5e4ff7e56027f73cc8312df8540ab1b25e4ff7e56027f73cc8312df8540ab1b2Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13289631328963Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1295157 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.595321ac7ccc3af97a8c412fca77f81f595321ac7ccc3af97a8c412fca77f81fMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12951571295157Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1313117 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b5d1b5acf06f947d2b2c17721d5e0a4db5d1b5acf06f947d2b2c17721d5e0a4dMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13131171313117Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1333883 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.e191668b0d8257b0596f9320f9ff2ce8e191668b0d8257b0596f9320f9ff2ce8Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13338831333883Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1345105 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.1acd88083ddf68149e84105728c927961acd88083ddf68149e84105728c92796Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13451051345105Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1292529 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.fba45792967e4bcc1e786e2aa3b87af6fba45792967e4bcc1e786e2aa3b87af6Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12925291292529Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1295589 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.9f63fba013a55e28dbcd33beeefe580b9f63fba013a55e28dbcd33beeefe580bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.12955891295589Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1326499 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.3bb96f740562dc4bbfa317910a671eca3bb96f740562dc4bbfa317910a671ecaMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13264991326499Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1304639 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f12a40db86c77de4e4b03aa171925c5cf12a40db86c77de4e4b03aa171925c5cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13046391304639Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1313447 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.170382e527ee88ee2ca4c9ea025bcd70170382e527ee88ee2ca4c9ea025bcd70Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13134471313447Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1303885 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f00bd43a0b68d13a5d687a5d23044b0af00bd43a0b68d13a5d687a5d23044b0aMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13038851303885Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1311663 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6c2bdff25584acbd361b4cf89abec4c66c2bdff25584acbd361b4cf89abec4c6Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13116631311663Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1310145 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.ac0c8a1433edaac73b1b8a2f36b005deac0c8a1433edaac73b1b8a2f36b005deMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13101451310145Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1300573 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.710e8b2f5ad02ea16df0b2d543e26581710e8b2f5ad02ea16df0b2d543e26581Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13005731300573Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1301193 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.0a2f4b734fed3240db7dbe23387095dd0a2f4b734fed3240db7dbe23387095ddMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13011931301193Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1300029 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.400a87c55d78e7ec08f8d8845a481349400a87c55d78e7ec08f8d8845a481349Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13000291300029Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1317955 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.78a58f6502044f77bcaef15e017aa2d378a58f6502044f77bcaef15e017aa2d3Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13179551317955Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
Entity Identifier: Range_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less25
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 1328981 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.d39a08571131534e93fd4dd87d0af0ddd39a08571131534e93fd4dd87d0af0ddMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.13289811328981Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2001.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2181389 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f78bb865b323b33b276ae842cacc062ef78bb865b323b33b276ae842cacc062eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21813892181389Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2002.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2204311 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.76b8216652d2fbc5641cd8d60cb4c95e76b8216652d2fbc5641cd8d60cb4c95eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.22043112204311Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2003.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2163081 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.1e9bb1e1530590ed5bb9034397737ae71e9bb1e1530590ed5bb9034397737ae7Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21630812163081Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2004.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2157955 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.5a9fb2a80a73fc1a77c4475f1954459b5a9fb2a80a73fc1a77c4475f1954459bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21579552157955Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2005.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2139101 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.b319ecf2a4a2ac98b57494a1c472e6c9b319ecf2a4a2ac98b57494a1c472e6c9Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21391012139101Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2006.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2177155 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.c297a9f0724f8071781aa711a272e3e5c297a9f0724f8071781aa711a272e3e5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21771552177155Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2007.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2175891 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.93f84d7e9f9c7ea847b845e47c41ac9393f84d7e9f9c7ea847b845e47c41ac93Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21758912175891Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2008.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2175653 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.11317c6bfadf9dce6e17795e6a9f133b11317c6bfadf9dce6e17795e6a9f133bMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21756532175653Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2009.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2166545 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.7160f0a79c5afccf4f958e9062117ac77160f0a79c5afccf4f958e9062117ac7Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21665452166545Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2010.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2154455 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.f6a7b88a757cca79c61597632dcc6e6cf6a7b88a757cca79c61597632dcc6e6cMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21544552154455Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2011.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2182967 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6821eea44376bbd96077d8712abf3e6e6821eea44376bbd96077d8712abf3e6eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21829672182967Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2012.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2180637 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.3dfa95ff1254a4ccfb2de5d74cf4d1c53dfa95ff1254a4ccfb2de5d74cf4d1c5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21806372180637Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2013.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2177763 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.15406a40c6b50e05895734c4adf6c24e15406a40c6b50e05895734c4adf6c24eMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21777632177763Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2014.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2152235 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.dd318dab597e75b9de24db6ef500702add318dab597e75b9de24db6ef500702aMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21522352152235Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2015.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2167201 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.6057487a966255217fbf7f69f32966c56057487a966255217fbf7f69f32966c5Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21672012167201Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2016.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2168577 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.3f88c411c3bd3c52f022e0bfab787a163f88c411c3bd3c52f022e0bfab787a16Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21685772168577Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2017.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2159385 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.329fd4f41a6957f1ac938a346d97f5dd329fd4f41a6957f1ac938a346d97f5ddMatching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21593852159385Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.
Entity Report
Entity Name: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
Entity Identifier: Seasonality_MODIS_NDVI_2018.tif
# Identifier Status Quality Check Name Description Expected Found Explanation Suggestion Reference
On failure:warn
Length of entityName is not excessive (less than 100 char)length of entity name is less than 100 charactersentityName value is 100 characters or less31
On failure:warn
An entity description is presentCheck for presence of an entity description.EML Best practices pp. 32-33, "...should have enough information for a user..."trueWith entityName sometimes serving as a file name rather than a title, it is important to be very descriptive here.
On failure:info
'numHeaderLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numHeaderLines' element.Document contains 'numHeaderLines' element.No 'numHeaderLines' element foundIf data file contains header lines, 'numHeaderLines' must be specified.Add 'numHeaderLines' element if needed.
On failure:info
'numFooterLines' element is presentCheck for presence of the 'numFooterLines' element.Document contains 'numFooterLines' element.No 'numFooterLines' element foundIf data file contains footer lines, 'numFooterLines' must be specified.Add 'numFooterLines' element if needed.
On failure:error
Field delimiter is a single characterField delimiters should be one character onlyA single character is expectednullA fieldDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Record delimiter is presentCheck presence of record delimiter. Check that the record delimiter is one of the suggested values.A record delimiter from a list of suggested values: \n, \r, \r\n, #x0A, #x0D, #x0D#x0AnullA recordDelimiter value is not checked for binary entities or entities with an externally defined format
On failure:warn
Check for presence of an entity size elementLook for entity size element as a prep for checking congruence, and if not present, generate a warn. Note that to be most useful (i.e, to check congruence), entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit); however, the presence or name of the entity size unit is NOT checked.Entity size is present. If unit="byte" or unit is omitted (default = byte), then congruence can be checked.Found entity size element with value of 2161231 and size unit specified as 'byte'.Examining the entity size is prep for checking congruence. Including the element is best practice, and if not present, a warn is generated. To be most useful, entity size should contain the most precise measure of size, which is "byte" (the default unit).Include an entity size in bytes Example success: knb-lter-sbc.3.12. Example of size in units other than byte: knb-lter-mcr.6.56.
On failure:warn
A physical/authentication element is present and specifies a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1Check for presence of a physical/authentication element containing a checksum or hash value for an integrity check (e.g. MD5, SHA-1). Warn if an entity does not have a physical/authentication element, or if none of the physical/authentication elements specify a method attribute with a value of MD5 or SHA-1.At least one physical/authentication element with a method attribute specifying MD5 or SHA-1 and containing a checksum or hash value that can be used to perform an integrity check on the data.truePASTA will use this value to check the integrity of the data it downloads from your site. In addition, PASTA is planning to compare the contributor-supplied checksum/hash value documented in the physical/authentication element to the checksum/hash value of this entity downloaded from previous revisions of this data package. If PASTA already has a copy of this entity, it will be able to avoid an unnecessary download of the entity from your site, resulting in faster processing of the new data package revision when you update it in PASTA.Add a physical/authentication element and store the entity checksum or hash value in it using a method such as MD5 or SHA-1.
On failure:info
Display downloaded dataDisplay the first kilobyte of data that is downloadedUp to one kilobyte of data should be displayedCannot display NON-PLAIN TEXT DATA
On failure:error
URL returns dataChecks whether a URL returns data. Unless the URL is specified to be function="information", the URL should return the resource for download.A data entity that matches the metadatatrue
On failure:error
Online URLs are liveCheck that online URLs return somethingtruetrueSucceeded in accessing URL:
On failure:error
Compare the metadata checksum for an entity to the checksum of the downloaded entityTwo possible responses: valid if checksums match; error if checksums do not match.2bf4d346ffcc92144301a5c738e456362bf4d346ffcc92144301a5c738e45636Matching checksums will ensure data integrity during upload to the repository.If the found integrity hash value does not match the expected integrity hash value, there may have been a loss of integrity in the data download. Check that the hash method and hash value documented in the metadata are the correct values.
On failure:error
Check that the entity size in the Level 0 metadata matches the one PASTA+ generates.Compare raw file size of file to [entity]/physical/size element in metadata. Return error if not matching.21612312161231Examining the entity size is a method for checking that this is the correct entity.Check the entity size.