Search Results

Terms used in this search: LiDAR

Displaying 1-10 of 38 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
New England Enhanced Forest InventoryAyrey, Elias
Hayes, Daniel J
Kilbride, John B
City of Seattle Chester Morse Reservoir, Washington Topobathymetric Lidar and Sonar Integration Technical Data Report, Cedar River Municipal Watershed, 2020Quantum Spatial Corvalis
Forest structural diversity at NEON sites in the continuous USA that experienced recent moderate disturbanceHardiman, Brady S
LaRue, Elizabeth A
Foster, Jane R
Fahey, Robert
Hatala Matthes, Jaclyn
Structural Diversity from the NEON Discrete-Return LiDAR Point Cloud in 2013-2022Wang, Jianmin
Choi, Dennis H.
La Rue , Elizabeth
Atkins, Jeff W.
Foster, Jane R.
Matthes, Jaclyn H.
Fahey, Robert T.
Fei, Songlin
Hardiman, Brady S.
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: 1 meter LiDAR-derived and Hydro-enforced Digital Elevation Models, 2012Fraser, Olivia L
McGuire, Kevin J
Bailey, Scott W
Land-cover mapping of the central Arizona region based on 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery and supporting dataZhang, Yujia
Turner II, Billie
Gridded 1-hectare estimates of shrub community structure at the Jornada Basin LTER site derived from NAIP (2011) and LiDAR (2019) dataRoberts, Trevor H
Hanan, Niall P
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: 5 meter LiDAR-derived Topographic Metrics, 2018Fraser, Olivia
McGuire, Kevin J
Bailey, Scott W.
Ice Storm Experiment (ISE) Canopy Structure Data, 2015-presentFahey, Robert TRUE
Stream Metabolism in Marsh Creek, Idaho, USA 2016-2017Honious, Sarah A.S.
Hale, Rebecca L
Guilinger, James J.
Crosby, Benjamin T
Baxter, Colden V

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