Title ▵▿ |
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Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Coarse Woody Debris in Bisley Experimental Forest and the Rio Icacos Basin | McDowell, William H.
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.128.58 |
Coarse Woody Debris of the Ice Storm Experiment (ISE) plots at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest | Rustad, Lindsey Campbell, John
| 2021 | knb-lter-hbr.266.2 |
Biomass accumulation in trees and downed wood at Bartlett Experimental Forest, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, the Bowl Natural Research Area, and the White Mountain National Forest, NH, USA | Nash, Joe M Vadeboncoeur, Matthew A Wild, Adam D Zee, April Cornell, Erin A Arthur, Mary A Yanai, Ruth D
| 2023 | knb-lter-hbr.373.3 |
Coarse Woody Debris on Watershed 6, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest | Johnson, Chris Siccama, Thomas G
| 2019 | knb-lter-hbr.206.3 |
Mohonk Preserve Forest Health Monitoring Data 2018 | Mohonk Preserve Feldsine, Natalie Garretson, Alexis Long, Elizabeth C Napoli, Megan Ferreri, Catherine T Erle, Jacob C. Erle C Quintana Vargas, Miriam
| 2021 | edi.120.1 |
Mohonk Preserve Phenology Monitoring 1912-present | Mohonk Preserve Garretson, Alexis Feldsine, Natalie Forester, Anna Huth, Paul Long, Elizabeth C Morgan, Vanessa Napoli, Megan Pierce, Ethan Smiley, Daniel Smiley, Shanan Thompson, John
| 2022 | edi.938.2 |
Litterfall along topographic gradients at lower Bisley | Covich, Alan
| 2010 | knb-lter-luq.95.449121 |
Forest tree, woody debris, and soil inventory data from long-term research plots for LTREB at the University of Michigan Biological Station | Hofmeister, Kathryn Nadelhoffer, Knute Gough, Christopher
| 2020 | edi.65.1 |
Mohonk Preserve Grassland Field Monitoring 2017-2021 | Mohonk Preserve Napoli, Megan Feldsine, Natalie Garretson, Alexis Long, Elizabeth C Ferreri, Catherine T Erle, Jacob C Quintana Vargas, Miriam Chinkan, Chris Green, Ralph Vivirito, Michael Adler-Colvin, Penelope
| 2022 | edi.885.1 |
Snag-fall patterns following stand-replacing fire vary with stem characteristics and topography in subalpine forests of Greater Yellowstone | Kiel, Nathan G Romme, William H Turner, Monica G
| 2023 | edi.1506.1 |