Search Results

Terms used in this search: dew point

Displaying 1-10 of 49 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Bonanza Creek LTER: Hourly Dew Point Measurements from 2006 to Present in the Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed near Fairbanks, AlaskaChapin, F Stuart
Ruess, Roger
Mack, Michelle Cailin
Soil hydraulic and thermal properties were determined in surface organic and mineral soils in the region near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska 2016-2019Oconnor, Michael
Cardenas, Bayani
Kling, George
Chen, Ann
Bonanza Creek LTER: Hourly Dew Point Measurements from 1988 to Present in the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest near Fairbanks, AlaskaVan Cleve, Keith
Chapin, F Stuart
Ruess, Roger
Mack, Michelle Cailin
Open Lowland Environmental Monitoring Station, Black Rock Forest, NY, raw hourly dataMunson, M
Ashton, I W
Griffin, K
Kimple, A
Schuster, W
Sevilleta Field Station Meteorological Network (SevMET): High frequency measurements from the Sevilleta Field Station Meteorological Station (FSTN), Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, NM, USA, 2024-ongoing.Brown, Renée F.
Collins, Scott L.
Natvig, Donald O.
Weather and hydrological data formatted to ODM 1.1 for Palmer Station, archived from ClimDB/HydroDB (1989 to 2017)Palmer Station LTER
Smith, Raymond
Weather and hydrological data formatted to ODM 1.1 for Fleming Creek Watersheds, archived from ClimDB/HydroDB (1972 to 1991)Fleming Creek Watersheds LTER
Marion, Daniel A.
Weather and hydrological data formatted to ODM 1.1 for Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, archived from ClimDB/HydroDB (1982 to 2014)Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve LTER
Tilman, David
Weather and hydrological data formatted to ODM 1.1 for California Current Ecosystem, archived from ClimDB/HydroDB (1927 to 2019)California Current Ecosystem LTER
Conners, James
Weather and hydrological data formatted to ODM 1.1 for Great Basin Experimental Range, archived from ClimDB/HydroDB (1940 to 1964)Great Basin Experimental Range LTER
McArthur, E. Durant

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