Title ▵▿ |
Creators ▵▿ |
Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Riparian Permanent Sample Plots in the Cedar River Watershed, Seattle, WA State: 2003-2012 | Loutos, Zoe
| 2024 | cos-spu.12.1 |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 8 of 11 - 2004_riparian herb data | Brush, Grace
| 2016 | knb-lter-bes.3070.101 |
Heliconia invertebrate counts | Richardson, Barbara A.
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.130.89 |
Mohonk Preserve Forest Health Monitoring Data 2018 | Mohonk Preserve Feldsine, Natalie Garretson, Alexis Long, Elizabeth C Napoli, Megan Ferreri, Catherine T Erle, Jacob C. Erle C Quintana Vargas, Miriam
| 2021 | edi.120.1 |
Rodent abundance and biomass data across grassland-shrubland ecotones at 3 sites in the Jornada Basin, 2004-ongoing | Bestelmeyer, Brandon T Schooley, Robert
| 2022 | knb-lter-jrn.210262010.2 |
El Verde Coffee Plantation permanent plot vegetation sampling | Myster, Randall W.
| 2010 | knb-lter-luq.100.81 |
Sabana pasture permanent plot vegetation sampling | Myster, Randall W.
| 2011 | knb-lter-luq.97.2801047 |
Functional trait plasticity affects growth but not survival of understory herbs across a resource availability gradient | Fraterrigo, Jennifer Candeias, Matt Brown, Cindi Schaner, Jess Orr, Karen
| 2021 | edi.235.1 |
Functional trait plasticity affects growth but not survival of understory herbs across a resource availability gradient | Fraterrigo, Jennifer Candeias, Matt Brown, Cindi Schaner, Jess Orr, Karen
| 2021 | edi.61.1 |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 2 of 11 -1999_plot_and_2004_transect_locations | Brush, Grace
| 2016 | knb-lter-bes.3010.101 |