Search Results

Terms used in this search: herbs

Displaying 1-10 of 67 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Riparian Permanent Sample Plots in the Cedar River Watershed, Seattle, WA State: 2003-2012Loutos, Zoe
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 8 of 11 - 2004_riparian herb dataBrush, Grace
Heliconia invertebrate countsRichardson, Barbara A.
Mohonk Preserve Forest Health Monitoring Data 2018Mohonk Preserve
Feldsine, Natalie
Garretson, Alexis
Long, Elizabeth C
Napoli, Megan
Ferreri, Catherine T
Erle, Jacob C. Erle C
Quintana Vargas, Miriam
Rodent abundance and biomass data across grassland-shrubland ecotones at 3 sites in the Jornada Basin, 2004-ongoingBestelmeyer, Brandon T
Schooley, Robert
El Verde Coffee Plantation permanent plot vegetation samplingMyster, Randall W.
Sabana pasture permanent plot vegetation samplingMyster, Randall W.
Functional trait plasticity affects growth but not survival of understory herbs across a resource availability gradientFraterrigo, Jennifer
Candeias, Matt
Brown, Cindi
Schaner, Jess
Orr, Karen
Functional trait plasticity affects growth but not survival of understory herbs across a resource availability gradientFraterrigo, Jennifer
Candeias, Matt
Brown, Cindi
Schaner, Jess
Orr, Karen
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Riparian vegetation data - 2 of 11 -1999_plot_and_2004_transect_locationsBrush, Grace

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