Search Results

Terms used in this search: lake level

Displaying 1-9 of 9 matching data packages

Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Decades of water column temperature, lake level and meteorological data of Lake Lacawac, a pristine glacial lake at Lacawac Biological Field Station in the Pocono mountains, Pennsylvania USA (1992-2019)Hargreaves, Bruce R
Invasion dynamics of quagga mussels within a Southern California reservoir and its spatially intermittent watershedBooth, Michael T
NEON lakes Level 0 multisonde temperature data - 2021Hensley, Robert T
The Extended Global Lake area, Climate, and Population Dataset (GLCP)Meyer, Michael F
Brousil, Matthew R
Das, Pratyush K
Virdis, Salvatore GP
Yang, Xiao
Cramer, Alli N
McClure, Ryan P
Katz, Stephen L
Hampton, Stephanie E
Final Cedar River Watershed Habitat Conservation Plan For the Issuance of a Permit to Allow Incidental Take of Threatened and Endangered Species, City of Seattle, April 2000Erckmann, Jim
Flagor, Suzy
North Temperate Lakes LTER: Fish Species Richness 1981 - currentMagnuson, John J.
Carpenter, Stephen R.
Stanley, Emily H.
Biogeochemical and physical controls on methane fluxes from two ferruginous meromictic lakesLambrecht, Nicholas
Katsev, Sergei
Wittkop, Chad
Hall, Steven J.
Sheik, Cody S.
Picard, Aude
Fakhraee, Mojtaba
Swanner, Elizabeth D.
Summer water chemistry; sediment phosphorus fluxes and sorption capacity; sedimentation and sediment resuspension dynamics; water column thermal structure; and zooplankton, macroinvertebrate, and macrophyte communities in eight shallow lakes in northwest Iowa, USA (2018-2020)Albright, Ellen A
Wilkinson, Grace M
Butts, Tyler J
Shingai, Quin K
Summer water chemistry; sediment phosphorus fluxes and sorption capacity; sedimentation and sediment resuspension dynamics; water column thermal structure; and zooplankton, macroinvertebrate, and macrophyte communities in eight shallow lakes in northwest Iowa, USA (2018-2020)Albright, Ellen A
Wilkinson, Grace M
Butts, Tyler J
Shingai, Quin K

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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