Search Results

Terms used in this search: lead

Displaying 1-10 of 179 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Lead Risk Factors for West and North Philadelphia: 2007-2020Caballero-Gomez, Hasibe
White, Helen K.
O'Shea, Michael J.
Pepino, Richard
Howarth, Marilyn V.
Gieré, Reto
Lead Risk Factors for West and North Philadelphia: 2007-2020Caballero-Gomez, Hasibe
O'Shea, Michael J.
Pepino, Richard
Giere, Reto
White, Helen K.
Howarth, Marilyn V.
Lead Risk Factors for West and North Philadelphia: 2007-2020Caballero-Gomez, Hasibe
White, Helen K.
O'Shea, Michael J.
Pepino, Richard
Howarth, Marilyn V.
Gieré, Reto
Dust geochemistry and lead isotopes along an urban-rural transect in central Ohio, 2021Heindel, Ruth C
Scott, Sean
Grider, Ansley
Pelagic, epilimnetic production estimates in Sparkling, Trout (Wisconsin), Acton (Ohio), and Castle (California) Lakes (USA) calculated using 14C and free-water O2 metabolism methods, 2007 - 2017Lottig, Noah R
Chandra, Sudeep
Stanley, Emily H
Vanni, Mike
Scordo, Facundo
Tanner, Williamson
PIE LTER quadrat percent cover associated with marsh sites used in space for time sea level rise study, Rowley, MA.Byrnes, Jarrett
MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Ocean Currents and Biogeochemistry: salinity, temperature and current at CTD and ADCP mooring FOR01 from 2004 ongoingWashburn, Libe
Relyea, R. A. 2002. Costs of phenotypic plasticity. American Naturalist 159:272-282.Relyea, Rick A.
The recovery of plant community composition following passive restoration across spatial scales, Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, 1983-2016Ladouceur, Emma
Fish Body Size Data from Wisconsin & MongoliaSolokas, Mary A
Jensen, Olaf

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