Search Results

Terms used in this search: metabolism

Displaying 1-10 of 80 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
High-frequency dissolved oxygen, water temperature, wind speed, and radiation data; stream and in-lake nutrient concentration data; and daily metabolism and nutrient loading estimates for 16 lakes in North America and Northern Europe.Corman, Jessica
Zwart, Jacob
Klug, Jennifer
Bruesewitz, Denise
de Eyto, Elvira
Klaus, Marcus
Knoll, Lesley
Rusak, James
Vanni, Michael
Alfonso, Maria Belen
Fernandez, Rocio
Yao, Huaxia
Austnes, Kari
Couture, Raoul-Marie
de Wit, Heleen
Karlsson, Jan
Laas, Alo
Modeling dataset: Long-term Change in Metabolism Phenology across North-Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin, USA 1979-2019Ladwig, Robert
Appling, Alison P.
Delany, Austin
Dugan, Hilary A.
Gao, Qiantong
Lottig, Noah
Stachelek, Joseph
Hanson, Paul C.
Metabolism estimates from dissolved oxygen and inorganic carbon in the Upper Clark Fork River, MT, USA.Shangguan, Qipei
Payn, Robert A
DeGrandpre, Michael D
Ecosystem metabolism and associated environmental data for a forested, meadow and reforested reach of White Clay Creek, Chester Co., Pennsylvania; 1971-1975 and 1997-2010Bott, Thomas L.
Montgomery, David
Newbold, J. Denis
Ritter, Floyd
Lake ecosystem metabolism estimates from 3 locations in Lake Sunapee, NH, USA during the summer stratified period from June to September 2018Ward, Nicole K
Brentrup, Jennifer A
Richardson, David C
Carey, Cayelan C
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Stream metabolism data for core sites in Gwynns FallsReisinger, Alexander
Rosi, Emma
Ecosystem metabolism estimates from Lake Sunapee, NH, USA and meteorological driver data at the Newport, NH, USA NOAA NCDC weather station from August 2007 – December 2008LSPA, LSPA
Weathers, Kathleen C
Brentrup, Jennifer A
Richardson, David C
Carey, Cayelan C
Ward, Nicole K
Bruesewitz, Denise A
Freshwater Subtropical Ridge and Slough Wetland Metabolism, South Florida, USA: 2014-2016Kominoski, John Stephen
Data from Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributaryMarcarelli , Amy M
Huckins, Casey J
Eggert, Susan L
MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Rates of benthic coral reef community metabolism from 2007 ongoingCarpenter, Robert
MacIntyre, Sally

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EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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