Ecosystem metabolism data for a 3rd-order Piedmont stream were collected during two periods: P1- April 1971 – Dec 1975, and P2- May 1997 – January 2010. Measures were made in a meadow and a forested reach during each period and in a reforested (formerly meadow) reach during the latter years of P2. During P1, measures were made by transferring streambed substrata to chambers in water jackets located on the streambank and measuring dissolved oxygen changes over diel periods. During P2, open system measures of dissolved O2 change were made for several days in warm and cold seasons, with reaeration determined from a propane injection experiment. Metabolism estimates were determined from diel curves of dissolved O2 change. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and chlorophyll were measured concurrent with many measurements in P1 and all measures during P2, and temperature with all measures. Water chemistry parameters (NH4-N, NO3-N, PO4-P, SiO2, Cl, SO4, total alkalinity, pH) associated with each run are included in the data set, as are days since storm of various thresholds.
Field procedures, analytical methods and data analyses are detailed in Bott, T.L. & J. D. Newbold, 2023. A multi-year analysis of factors affecting ecosystem metabolism in forested and meadow reaches of a Piedmont Stream. Hydrobiologia