Title ▵▿ |
Creators ▵▿ |
Publication Date ▵▿ |
Package Id ▵▿ |
Modeled Organic Carbon, Dissolved Oxygen, and Secchi for six Wisconsin Lakes, 1995-2014 | Delany, Austin
| 2022 | knb-lter-ntl.421.1 |
Modeling dataset: Long-term Change in Metabolism Phenology across North-Temperate Lakes, Wisconsin, USA 1979-2019 | Ladwig, Robert Appling, Alison P. Delany, Austin Dugan, Hilary A. Gao, Qiantong Lottig, Noah Stachelek, Joseph Hanson, Paul C.
| 2021 | knb-lter-ntl.402.1 |
Annual and monthly time series of estimated kelp spore dispersal times among ROMS cells in southern California, 1996 – 2006 | Castorani, Max C. N. Siegel, David A
| 2023 | knb-lter-sbc.158.2 |
ReFAB 10000 Year Statistical Estimate of Vegetation Composition, Midwest US, Level 2 | Raiho, Ann McLachlan, Jason Paciorek, Christopher
| 2020 | msb-paleon.45.1 |
WSC - The Influence of Legacy P on Lake Water Quality | Motew, Melissa Carpenter, Stephen Kucharik, Christopher Booth, Eric
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.384.1 |
Small mammal structure cover collected at Team Vole fences near Nome, Toolik Lake, and Utqaigvik, Alaska, summer 2019 | Gough, Laura Roy, Austin
| 2022 | knb-lter-arc.20147.1 |
Data for Lake Mendota Phosphorus Cycling Model | Hanson, Paul C Stillman, Aviah B
| 2019 | edi.141.2 |
Keswick Reservoir Temperature Profile Data (2017-2019) | Deas, Michael
| 2020 | edi.119.1 |
Keswick Reservoir Temperature Profile Data (2017-2019) | Deas, Michael
| 2020 | edi.117.4 |
Monitoring adult Chinook salmon upstream passage on Yuba River | Vander Meulen, Jacob
| 2024 | edi.1707.1 |