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  • Data for Lake Mendota Phosphorus Cycling Model
  • Hanson, Paul C; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Limnology
    Stillman, Aviah B; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Limnology
  • 2019-02-28
  • Hanson, P.C. and A.B. Stillman. 2019. Data for Lake Mendota Phosphorus Cycling Model ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-12-27).
  • There is an opportunity to advance both prediction accuracy and scientific discovery for phosphorus cycling in Lake Mendota (Wisconsin, USA). Twenty years of phosphorus measurements show patterns at seasonal to decadal scales, suggesting a variety of drivers control lake phosphorus dynamics. Our objectives are to produce a phosphorus budget for Lake Mendota and to accurately predict summertime epilimnetic phosphorus using a simple and adaptable modeling approach. We combined ecological knowledge with machine learning in the emerging paradigm, theory-guided data science (TGDS). A mass balance model (PROCESS) accounted for most of the observed pattern in lake phosphorus. However, inclusion of machine learning (RNN) and an ecological principle (PGRNN) to constrain its output improved summertime phosphorus predictions and accounted for long term changes missed by the mass balance model. TGDS indicated additional processes related to water temperature, thermal stratification, and long term changes in external loads are needed to improve our mass balance modeling approach.

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  • Data Entities:
    1. Lake Mendota chemical properties through time  (286.3 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    2. Lake water surface levels through time  (297.8 KiB; 6 downloads) 
    3. Chemical and physical properties of Pheasant Branch inflow through time  (1.5 MiB; 6 downloads) 
    4. Chemical and physical properties of Yahara River inflow through time  (1.6 MiB; 6 downloads) 
    5. Thermocline depth, epilimnetic temperature, and hypolimnetic temperature for Lake Mendota through time  (415.4 KiB; 4 downloads) 
    6. Atmospheric data for Madison through time  (591.0 KiB; 6 downloads) 
    7. Hypsometry factors for various lakes  (5.6 KiB; 6 downloads) 
    8. Driving data for PROCESS  (795.3 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    9. The observed epilimnetic phosphorus and the corresponding modeled output for epilimnetic phosphorus from PROCESS  (11.2 KiB; 7 downloads) 
    10. The observed hypolimnetic phosphorus and the corresponding modeled output for hypolimnetic phosphorus from PROCESS  (4.7 KiB; 4 downloads) 
    11. The PROCESS model outputs for epilimnetic phosphorus and hypolimnetic phosphorus at the daily time scale  (599.0 KiB; 4 downloads) 
    12. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 1  (59.1 KiB; 8 downloads) 
    13. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when the ecological principal loss function was not included  (182.8 KiB; 7 downloads) 
    14. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 2  (59.7 KiB; 7 downloads) 
    15. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 3  (59.0 KiB; 8 downloads) 
    16. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 4  (59.0 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    17. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 5  (59.0 KiB; 4 downloads) 
    18. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from PGRNN when validated on segment 6  (58.8 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    19. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 1  (58.9 KiB; 8 downloads) 
    20. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 2  (59.3 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    21. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 3  (59.0 KiB; 5 downloads) 
    22. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 4  (58.8 KiB; 6 downloads) 
    23. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 5  (59.0 KiB; 8 downloads) 
    24. Modeled outputs of lake phosphorus from RNN when validated on segment 6  (58.4 KiB; 5 downloads) 
  • This data package is released to the “public domain” under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 “No Rights Reserved” (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein “website”) in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available “as is” and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.
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