Search Results

Terms used in this search: phytoplankton

Displaying 1-10 of 142 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
IISD Experimental Lakes Area LTER: Phytoplankton Abundance, Biomass, and Community Structure, 1969 – 2023Higgins, Scott N
Plumes and Blooms: phytoplankton pigment concentrationCatlett, Dylan
Siegel, David A
Guillocheau, Nathalie
Kui, Li
Interagency Ecological Program: Phytoplankton monitoring in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta, collected by the Environmental Monitoring Program, 2008-2023Perry, Sarah E
Brown, Tiffany
Klotz, Vivian
Seasonal incubation experiment investigating effects of nutrients leached from mud from debris flows on phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Santa Barbara ChannelKim, Sylvia M
Sherbo et al. 2023 Data Package. Data associated with study assessing effects of dissolved organic matter on phytoplankton productivity in boreal lakes. The majority of data was collected in 2018 at the IISD Experimental Lakes Area in Northwestern OntarioHiggins, Scott N
Phytoplankton chlorophyll in Iowa state recreational lakes 2018-2020Leung, Tania
Swanner, Elizabeth
Lee, Jaejin
Choi, Jinlyung
Yang, Jihoon
Chuang Howe, Adina
Multidecadal Time Series of Measured Chlorophyll-a in Lakes and Estuarine-Coastal EcosystemsCloern, James
Jassby, Alan D.
Summer water chemistry, phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition, size structure, and biomass in a shallow, hypereutrophic reservoir in southwestern Iowa, USA (2019).Butts, Tyler J
Moody, Eric K
Wilkinson, Grace M
Barbour, Riley L
Phylum level phytoplankton composition and FTIR spectra for body wash microplastics and plant-based scrub particles from a 7-day summer 2016 surface mesocosm experiment in Otsego Lake, NY, USAYokota, Kiyoko
Mehlrose, Marissa
Higgins et al. 2024 study on dissolved organic matter controls and effects at the IISD Experimental Lakes Area, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, 1970-2019Higgins, Scott N
Havens, Sonya M

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