This data product contains data for Green Valley Lake, a hypereutrophic reservoir in southwest Iowa (USA) from the summer of 2019. We sampled and quantified zooplankton, phytoplankton, and nutrient concentrations (total N, total P, soluble reactive P, nitrate) in the lake weekly with the primary aim of assessing consumer nutrient cycling, specifically zooplankton nutrient cycling, in a hypereutrophic reservoir. Weekly plankton sampling included quantifying zooplankton and phytoplankton biomass, community composition, and size structure. Phytoplankton size was measured as the greatest axial linear distance which would be approached by a zooplankton grazer. Allometric equations from the literature were applied to the zooplankton size measurements to estimate zooplankton community excretion of N and P. We found that the estimated contribution of zooplankton excretion to the dissolved P pool was substantial in the spring. Further, we found evidence that zooplankton affected phytoplankton size distributions through selective grazing of smaller phytoplankton cells likely affecting nutrient uptake and storage by phytoplankton.