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Data to support "Consumer-Based Actions to Reduce Plastic Pollution in Rivers: a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach" | Marazzi, Luca Loiselle, Steven Anderson, Lucy Roclifffe, Steve Winton, Debbie
| 2020 | edi.504.2 |
Data for Phenotypically plastic responses to freshwater salinization in larval amphibians: Induced tolerance and induced sensitivity | Relyea, Rick Shepard, Isaac Mattis, Brian Shermerhorn, Candace
| 2023 | edi.1515.1 |
Jones, D. K., B. M. Mattes, W. D. Hintz, M. S. Schuler, A. B. Stoler, L. Lind, R. O. Cooper, and R. A. Relyea. 2017. Investigation of road salts and biotic stressors on freshwater wetland communities. Environmental Pollution 221:159-167. | Relyea, Rick A. Jones, Devin Mattes, Brian Hintz, William Schuler, Matthew Stoler, Aaron Lind, Lovisa Cooper, Reilly
| 2024 | edi.1640.1 |
Week-long continuous noise levels measured by an IoT-based device - EcoDecibel, in Sanzhi District, Taiwan, Aug 12 2021 - Aug 18 2021. | Chen, Ling Jyh Saraswat, Sakshi Ching, Fu Shiang Su, Chih Yi Huang, Hsin Lan Pan, Wen Chi
| 2024 | edi.1738.1 |
A unified dataset of co-located sewage pollution, periphyton, and benthic macroinvertebrate community and food web structure from Lake Baikal (Siberia) | Meyer, Michael F Ozersky, Ted Woo, Kara H Shchapov, Kirill Galloway, Aaron W. E. Schram, Julie B Snow, Daniel D Timofeyev, Maxim A Karnaukhov, Dmitry Yu. Brousil, Matthew R Hampton, Stephanie E
| 2021 | edi.677.2 |
NADP/NTN precipitation chemistry data | Ramirez, Alonso
| 2010 | knb-lter-luq.77.3321586 |
WSC - The Influence of Legacy P on Lake Water Quality | Motew, Melissa Carpenter, Stephen Kucharik, Christopher Booth, Eric
| 2020 | knb-lter-ntl.384.1 |
CCRAB Peonie Street PurpleAir Data | Nesbitt , Malayna
| 2022 | edi.956.1 |
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Code for calculations of annual pharmaceutical loads at Gwynns Falls Carroll Park | Fork, Megan
| 2021 | knb-lter-bes.5014.1 |
Denitrification losses in response to N fertiliser rates - integrating high temporal resolution N2O, in-situ 15N2O and 15N2 measurements and fertiliser 15N recoveries in intensive sugarcane systems | Takeda, Naoya Friedl, Johannes Kirkby, Robert Rowlings, David Scheer, Clemens De Rosa, Daniele Grace, Peter
| 2023 | edi.1440.1 |