Search Results

Terms used in this search: pollution

Displaying 1-10 of 56 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Data to support "Consumer-Based Actions to Reduce Plastic Pollution in Rivers: a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach"Marazzi, Luca
Loiselle, Steven
Anderson, Lucy
Roclifffe, Steve
Winton, Debbie
Data for Phenotypically plastic responses to freshwater salinization in larval amphibians: Induced tolerance and induced sensitivityRelyea, Rick
Shepard, Isaac
Mattis, Brian
Shermerhorn, Candace
Jones, D. K., B. M. Mattes, W. D. Hintz, M. S. Schuler, A. B. Stoler, L. Lind, R. O. Cooper, and R. A. Relyea. 2017. Investigation of road salts and biotic stressors on freshwater wetland communities. Environmental Pollution 221:159-167.Relyea, Rick A.
Jones, Devin
Mattes, Brian
Hintz, William
Schuler, Matthew
Stoler, Aaron
Lind, Lovisa
Cooper, Reilly
Week-long continuous noise levels measured by an IoT-based device - EcoDecibel, in Sanzhi District, Taiwan, Aug 12 2021 - Aug 18 2021.Chen, Ling Jyh
Saraswat, Sakshi
Ching, Fu Shiang
Su, Chih Yi
Huang, Hsin Lan
Pan, Wen Chi
A unified dataset of co-located sewage pollution, periphyton, and benthic macroinvertebrate community and food web structure from Lake Baikal (Siberia)Meyer, Michael F
Ozersky, Ted
Woo, Kara H
Shchapov, Kirill
Galloway, Aaron W. E.
Schram, Julie B
Snow, Daniel D
Timofeyev, Maxim A
Karnaukhov, Dmitry Yu.
Brousil, Matthew R
Hampton, Stephanie E
NADP/NTN precipitation chemistry dataRamirez, Alonso
WSC - The Influence of Legacy P on Lake Water QualityMotew, Melissa
Carpenter, Stephen
Kucharik, Christopher
Booth, Eric
CCRAB Peonie Street PurpleAir DataNesbitt , Malayna
Baltimore Ecosystem Study: Code for calculations of annual pharmaceutical loads at Gwynns Falls Carroll ParkFork, Megan
Denitrification losses in response to N fertiliser rates - integrating high temporal resolution N2O, in-situ 15N2O and 15N2 measurements and fertiliser 15N recoveries in intensive sugarcane systemsTakeda, Naoya
Friedl, Johannes
Kirkby, Robert
Rowlings, David
Scheer, Clemens
De Rosa, Daniele
Grace, Peter

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