Title ▵▿ |
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Package Id ▵▿ |
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Sediment Yield in Weir Basins, 1956 - ongoing | USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
| 2024 | knb-lter-hbr.68.8 |
Spatiotemporal variation in internal phosphorus loading, sediment characteristics, water column chemistry, and thermal mixing in a hypereutrophic reservoir in southwest Iowa, USA (2019-2020) | Albright, Ellen A Wilkinson, Grace M
| 2021 | edi.1008.1 |
PIE LTER stream chemistry characteristics studied for methane ebullition at four headwater streams in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. | Robison, Andrew Wollheim, Wilfred
| 2021 | knb-lter-pie.567.2 |
Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and iron-bound organic carbon in surficial sediment and settling particulate material from Falling Creek and Beaverdam Reservoirs in 2019 and 2021 | Lewis, Abigail S. L. Schreiber, Madeline E. Niederlehner, B. R. Das, Arpita Carey, Cayelan C.
| 2022 | edi.881.5 |
Turf and sediment natural occurrences and tolerance among Moorea, French Polynesia reefs, 2016 | Barber, Paul H Fong, Caitlin R Fong, Peggy Gaynus, Camille J Grier, Shalanda
| 2019 | edi.439.1 |
SBC LTER : Reef: Dissolved nitrogen fluxes from kelp forest sediment | Lowman, Heili Hirsch, Mare Brzezinski, Mark Allen Melack, John M
| 2022 | knb-lter-sbc.152.2 |
Dataset from University of Idaho 2004, master's thesis [Littoral ecology of epilithic algae in the Rocky Reach Pool, Mid-Columbia River (Washington State) - The effects of reservoir fluctuations.] | Scofield, Ben D
| 2022 | edi.830.2 |
Seasonal and spatial variation in sediment phosphorus flux rates in a hypereutrophic
reservoir in southwest Iowa, USA (2019-2020) | Albright, Ellen A Wilkinson, Grace M.
| 2021 | edi.90008.1 |
Uranium mobility and accumulation along the Rio Paguate, Jackpile Mine in Laguna Pueblo,
NM | Blake, Johanna M
| 2019 | edi.324.2 |
PIE LTER trapping capacity of suspended cohesive sediments of subdomains at Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts (numerical simulations). | Fagherazzi, Sergio Zhang, Xiaohe
| 2019 | knb-lter-pie.536.1 |