Search Results

Terms used in this search: soil

Displaying 1-10 of 1059 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Soil physical and chemical properties of gypsum & non-gypsum soils from the Chihuahuan and Mojave Deserts in 2023Gobbie, Katelyn G
Pietrasiak, Pietrasiak
Drenovsky, Rebecca E
Trace Metal Content of Community Garden Soils in Metro Phoenix, AZHolmes, Caitlin
Hall, Sharon
Soil sample from landslide ES1 (Espiritu Santo El Verde), ES2, and RB2 (Rio Blanco)Walker, Lawrence R.
Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador 2021Armas, Daphne I.
Guevara, Mario
Bezares, Fernando
Vargas, Rodrigo
Durante, Pilar
Osorio, Victor H.
Jimenez, Wilmer A
Oyonarte, Cecilio
Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador 2021Armas, Daphne I.
Guevara, Mario
Bezares, Fernando
Vargas, Rodrigo
Durante, Pilar
Osorio, Victor H.
Jimenez, Wilmer A
Oyonarte, Cecilio
Identifying hotspots of soil legacy phosphorus for soil P remediation on a cattle ranch in the Headwaters of the Everglades, South Central Florida, USA, 2020.Boughton, Elizabeth H
Qiu, Jiangxiao
Zhi, Ran
Li, Haoyu
Henderson, Charlotte R.B.
Petticord, Daniel F
Sparks, Jed
Reddy, K Ramesh
A database of soil type and soil depth across Everglades National Park, Florida, USALamb-Wotton, Lukas
Troxler, Tiffany
Davis, Stephen
Nitrogen cycling in accidental urban wetlands in the Salt River: the effects of season, inundation and plants on denitrificationSuchy, Amanda
Soil respiration dataset from abandoned croplands across ChinaGao, Hui
Xia, Xinghui
Liu, Shaoda
Soil hydraulic and thermal properties were determined in surface organic and mineral soils in the region near Toolik Lake on the North Slope of Alaska 2016-2019Oconnor, Michael
Cardenas, Bayani
Kling, George
Chen, Ann

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