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Terms used in this search: temperature

Displaying 1-10 of 1236 matching data packages

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Title ▵▿ Creators ▵▿ Publication Date ▵▿ Package Id ▵▿
Temperature logger deployment methods and irradiance-biased temperature data, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Red Sea, 2023.Glanz, Jess
Rich, Walter A.
Mele, Gage
Burt, Nicole J.
Doo, Steve S.
Krieger, Erik C.
Li, Lena
Osman, Eslam O.
Johnson, Maggie D.
Fox, Michael D.
Surface and bottom hourly water temperature from the San Francisco Estuary, 2012-2019Nelson, Michelle M
Pien, Catarina
Urban-Rural Temperature Data-relation between land-cover and the Urban Heat Island in San Juan, Puerto RicoHall, Charles A.S.
MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Benthic Water Temperature, ongoing since 2005Leichter, James
Adam, Tom
Seydel, Keith
Gotschalk, Chris
High frequency temperature and dissolved oxygen data from 15 Adirondack lakes during the 2021 warm seasonJane, Stephen F
McIntyre, Peter B
Detmer, Thomas M
Subsurface Water Temperatures taken in Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, May 2010 - December 2015Rains, Mark
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Canopy Temperature and Combined Urban Tree Index (CUTI), 2018-2021Wilkening, Jean V
Feng, Xue
NEON lakes Level 0 multisonde temperature data - 2021Hensley, Robert T
Hourly water temperature from the San Francisco Estuary, 1986 - 2019Interagency Ecological Program
Pien, Catarina
Hamilton, Jasmine
Hartman, Rosemary
Nelson, Michelle
Saraceno, JohnFranco
Schreier, Brian M
Davis, Brittany
Keswick Reservoir Temperature Profile Data (2017-2019)Deas, Michael

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