We provide data on mean dry and wet mass of > 800 species from Yasuní National Forest, Ecuador collected between 2000 and 2014. Species include trees, shrubs, lianas and herbs. We also provide data on number of seeds per fruit for >1100 species compiled in 2016, along with information on fruit type and dispersal mode. Both of these data sets supplement previously published data on flowering and fruiting phenology from this equatorial, ever-wet rainforest in eastern Ecuador (Garwood et al. 2023).
Garwood, N.C., S.J. Wright, R. Valencia, and M.R. Metz. 2023. Rainforest phenology: flower, fruit and seed production from biweekly collections of 200 traps in the Yasuní Forest Dynamics Plot, Ecuador, 2000-2018 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/5e6cb3d7ff741fd9d21965c4a904bc1f (Accessed 2024-03-27).