This data package contains modeled air parcel back-trajectories generated using the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model (STILT) via the R interface. The purpose of the study was to characterize the geochemical and isotopic signatures of dust in relation to different land uses, and to connect the geochemistry of deposited dust to air mass trajectories. Back-trajectories are three-dimensional paths of air parcels from a receptor site (the dust collection site) backwards in time and space for the duration of the tracking interval, calculated iteratively using wind fields from high-resolution gridded meteorological data. To calculate a probability of potential pathways, rather than a single back-trajectory, STILT introduces small random perturbations into the wind fields during each time step. For four sites along an urban-rural transect in central Ohio for June-July 2021, we generated weekly footprints of potential sources for the dust deposited at each site. These back-trajectories can be paired with geochemical data to establish a connection between land use and anthropogenic dust composition. This dataset is complete and will not be updated.