This data package contains ground-based, repeat photographs taken at plots in the Connectivity Modifier (Conmod) Pilot study on the Jornada Experimental Range from 2008-2016. There were 3 sites for this study: Gravelly Ridges, Aeolian, and Dona Ana. Within each site, there were 8 study plots, 4 of which were treatment plots where connectivity modules (conmods) were installed to decrease gap sizes between perennial vegetation. The plots were 8 x 8 meters and had an 8 x 8 meter buffer zone on both sides of the plot (upwind and downwind). Beginning in 2008, photographs were taken once to twice per year at ten microplots located within the 8 study plots to document plant litter, plant germination and growth, and soil deposition/removal by wind and water transport. Five photos were taken of each microplot: One overhead (from directly over the microplot) and 4 lateral views at ground level from each cardinal direction. Photo filenames are fully descriptive of the site, plot, microplot, photo view, and date taken (see Methods description for details). This study is complete (finished in 2016) and was the pilot study to the newer Cross Scale Interactions Study.