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  • Demography of the rare herb, Polygala lewtonii (Polygalaceae), with multiple fires on the Lake Wales Ridge in south central Florida from 2001-2017
  • Menges, Eric S; Archbold Biological Station
    Weekley, Carl W; Archbold Biological Station
    Koontz, Stephanie M; Archbold Biological Station
  • 2019-03-06
  • Menges, E.S., C.W. Weekley, and S.M. Koontz. 2019. Demography of the rare herb, Polygala lewtonii (Polygalaceae), with multiple fires on the Lake Wales Ridge in south central Florida from 2001-2017 ver 3. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-01).
  • Demographic data on 5,060 individually marked plants of the endemic State and federally listed Polygala lewtonii (Lewton's milkwort; Polygalaceae) were collected from December 2001 to December 2017 at the Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge Carter Creek in south central Florida, USA. Data collection is still ongoing. In 220 permanent 25 cm radius circular plots, plants were marked with plastic toothpicks and wire stake flags with a unique identification number. Data collection occurred quarterly with survival and recruitment recorded in March, June, September and December and more detailed measures of size and fecundity taken in March. This species is amphicarphic with both showy-open flowers produced in spring (chasmogamy) and closed, self-pollinating flowers both above- and belowground produced in late summer (cleistogamy). Therefore, our fecundity data are based only on chasmogamy. This dataset also captures post-fire mortality and recruitment events following four prescribed burns.

  • N: 27.522069      S: 27.483342      E: -81.371136      W: -81.417442
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