W5 was experimentally whole-tree harvested in the winter of 1983-84. The initial post-harvest surveys were conducted by Jeffrey Hughes in 1984. The species and stem origin (i.e. stem grew from seed, sprouted from a cut stem or was an established stem post-harvest) for all stems in the 1m2 plots were recorded. This data set summarizes the apparent “winners” in both 1984 and 30 years later in 2014 (some evaluated in 2015). There were a total of 13 surveys in these plots that helped clarify the outcomes over time. This data set summarizes from the larger data set.
These data were gathered as part of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES). The HBES is a collaborative effort at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, which is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.