This high frequency water-air dataset was collected from large shallow Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia) with an automated lake monitoring buoy system and was used in the analyses described in the manuscript by Thayne, M.W., B. Kraemer, J.P. Mesman, A. Laas, E. de Eyto, B. W. Ibelings, R. Adrian. “Trophic state effects on antecedent lake characteristics shape the resistance and resilience of lakes following extreme storms”. Dataset contains every 10-minute measurements from the open water periods in years 2010-2019. Underwater measurements were conducted with Yellow Springs Instrument multiparameter sonde model YSI 6600 V2-4. Underwater measurements contain the collected values of pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen saturation, water temperature, specific conductance, water turbidity, chlorophyll concentration (calculated by the sensor from fluorescence values), and the abundance of the bluegreen algae (calculated by the sensor from phycocyanin fluorescence values). Air parameters were collected with the Vaisala multiparameter weather station model WXT520 and contain measurements of wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, and cumulative amount of rain between measurement periods. All air measurements were collected 2 m above from the water surface. Additionally, solar irradiance measurements were collected from the automated buoy system with the Licor pyranometer model LI-200, those measurements contain values in two different columns: average solar irradiance in W/m2 and average photon flux density values in micromoles per square meter per second.